Chapter 2 - Emotions

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One moment Alpha Dean was clutching my wrist, whispering in my ear, and calling me mate, and the next I was being ushered out of the room by two guards. Everything was a blur. It all seemed surreal. I just didn't understand.

I finally acknowledged my wolf's persistent begging in my head, as she was always the only one I could turn to in times of distress. The men who escorted me out of the dining hall were gentle, but silent and offered no answers.

"The Alpha is our mate! We found our mate!" my wolf yipped over and over in my head. She seemed to be celebrating as she pranced back and worth, swaying her fluffy tail in the air.

"I don't understand," I confided in her as the guards continued to lead me through the maze of hallways that made up our pack house.

"Alpha Dean is our mate! We're the Luna of Dark Root!"

"He's going to reject us. He'll treat us just like father," I told her, refusing to allow her optimism to give me false hope.

She growled at me in response, "Our mate would never do those things!"

I sighed and toned her out again, pushing her to the back of my mind. It made me sad to do so, as she was all I really had, but dealing with her pain and disappointment when Alpha Dean rejects us or hurts us will be bad enough. I can't possibly deal with both of our disappointment.

Before summoning his guards, I faintly remembered Alpha Dean telling me that he was sending me somewhere safe for the rest of the ball. I didn't really know what that meant. I didn't understand any of this. How did I have an Alpha as a mate? Alpha Dean of all people, especially. Was he sending me out of the dining hall because he was ashamed of me? That must have been it. But why would he say tonight was my last night of work?

Perhaps he was going to send me away, or maybe even kill me. An Alpha couldn't have his pack knowing that a lowly she-wolf such as myself was his mate and his pack's rightful Luna. I may have not been an Omega, but there was no way I deserved such an honor.

I was pulled from my thoughts when the guards stopped in front of a large, mahogany door with the words "Alpha's Wing" engraved in the wood. Alpha Dean had sent me to his personal quarters? Now I had even more things to worry about.

As the guards led me inside, part of me hoped that Alpha Dean would return soon. Maybe I could get some answers. The other part of me, however, wanted to be as far away from his as possible. First the Moon Goddess gave me an abusive father, and then she gave me Alpha Dean as a mate. My pathetic life was surely a joke to her.

The guards carefully unlocked the doors and led me inside Alpha Dean's personal quarters. The entrance led straight into the living room, where I quickly noticed that his wing was decorated very similarly to the rest of our pack house – dark woods, black décor, but Alpha Dean's wing also had accents of white here and there, in the tiniest places. It was a beautiful area, but one should expect nothing less than the best for an Alpha.

"You will stay here until the Alpha returns from the ball," one of the guards spoke to me for the first time. I stared up at him with wide eyes and slowly nodded. I was sure I looked like a scared child, but Alpha Dean's men were nearly as intimidating as he was.

After that, the guards left without another word. I heard them lock the door behind them, and although that was a bit unsettling, at least I knew my father couldn't get in here. Alpha Dean would surely be just as bad as father, but for now at least, I was safe and it was quiet.

I walked around the living room, taking in the beautiful architecture and design, but I was careful not to touch anything. I didn't want to anger Alpha Dean in any way. As I wandered through the room, I found myself approaching the hallway. It appeared there were four doors connected to the hallway, which were likely extra bedrooms and perhaps an office or spare bathroom since the kitchen and dining area were open to the living room.

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