Chapter 33: Miracles Could Be Shattered

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Chapter 33: Miracles Could Be Shattered


"T-they're coming," I said breathlessly. My children are coming into this world. My children are about to be born. I feel the need to cry, but I can't. I have to be strong for Folashadé. I have to be the stable one of us two.

"Your Highness, we are going to need you to wear this hospital gown and face mask. It is essential," Ms. Fields said, snatching me out of my dazing thoughts. She handed me a green hospital gown and face mask.

I pulled the gown over my head and then the face mask. She handed me a pair of green gloves and led me to the bed where Shadé was lying breathlessly.

"She'll need you for support, Your Highness," she told me as she pulled a chair beside the bed.

"I'll take it. Thank you," I said, taking the chair the rest of the way to Shadé's bed.

She was covered in sweat and her hair was frizzed in countless places. But, even though she looks like she's been through it all, she is still beautiful.

A few of her kink-like-curls were sticking to her forehead by the sweat she was producing. I placed my hand over her forehead and smoothed her curls out of her face.

"I'm here, just for you, Love," I said, staring down at her lovingly.

"Vin-cent...Ooooh. Please make it stop," she begged. "Owwwe," she cried agonizingly.

I turned to Dr. Hammond who was standing beside the midwife, who I didn't know the name of. They were recording the ultrasound of the twins.

"Doctor, she's almost ten centimeters," Ms. Fields said urgently.


"I can see the head," she said.

Curiously, I wanted to see what the head looked like too, but when I got a better look, I nearly puked. Why did I do that? Why? The other three nurses didn't seem affected by the sight of seeing a baby's head stuck in a woman's vagina. Hell, the doctor didn't even seem bothered by it. Maybe there was something wrong with me.

"Okay, I'm going to need two people to hold up her knees. Now, everyone, the baby is coming," Dr. Hammond demanded as he positioned himself before the horrid sight.

Two brunette nurses decided to hold up both of Shadé's knees as she pushed.

"Ahhhhhhh," she screamed. She suddenly grabbed at my hospital gown, causing me to avert my attention to her instead of the Doctor's concentrated visage.

"Vincent this is all your fucking fault, you fucking...prick," she paused to push again. "Ahhhhh...ahhhhh! When I'm done giving birth, I'm. Going. To. Fucking. Kill. Youu-ahhhhh," she wailed again.

If I didn't know she was joking, hopefully, her threat would've been considered treason. But, since I love her so much, I was sort of tempted to see what kind of punishment she would give me for putting her through this.

"I love you, too," I said quietly. I know she hadn't heard me. As long as she knew it, it was fine.

"Come on, just a few more pushes. Push! Yes, that's good. On three. One, two, three, push," Dr. Hammond coached. "Someone get a blanket ready!"

Unknowingly, one of the nurses already had a blanket prepared.

Against my will and utter disgust of seeing a baby's head being pushed out of a vagina, I pushed my fear aside and looked down, between her thighs.

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