Chapter 17

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*Beep *Beep *Beep

I groaned and moved my hand to search for my stupid alarm clock. It was loud and annoying in that way that makes you want to throw it across the room.

My hand barely made it up an inch, before an excruciating pain clawed it's way in from my left shoulder and down my arm.

My eyes shot open as I cried out in pain.

That's when I noticed that I was in a hospital. Memories of last night's fight rushed to my brain. I smirked through my pain as I realized that I won the fight. My smile quickly died down as a nurse came rushing through the door.

"Are you in any pain?" She asked calmly. I snorted at her.

"I don't know. My shoulder was dislocated, but other than that, I am peachy," I said letting the sarcasm drip.

She merely rolled her eyes, before grabbing a syringe off a tray sitting outside my door. She filled it with a clear liquid before stepping towards me.

My eyes widened.

"Oh, hell no. Get that thing away from me! You better get somebody else in here to help you because there is no way you are putting that thing anywhere near me!" I screamed at the nurse as I sat up quickly.

The fear making me forget my pain, I grabbed the nearest thing to use as a weapon. Which was a fork.

*Brett's P.O.V

"Oh, hell no. Get that thing away from me! You better get somebody else in here to help you because there is no way you are putting that thing anywhere near me!"

Me and the guys looked at each other as we heard Kat's yelling. Blake, beside me, merely chuckled and looked at me before rushing into the hospital room with us trailing behind him. I was not only confused, but also worried.

What could possibly make her yell that loud?

That thought made rush into the room quicker. What I wasn't prepared for, was the sight before me. Which made me burst out laughing, which got me a very angry look from Kat.

She was backed up in a corner with one hand on the wall and the hurt one holding a fork as if to protect her from the nurse holding a syringe filled with a clear substance. The nurse was cautiously walking towards my mate, hoping somehow to get her to take the medicine in the syringe.

Blake was laughing as he tried to calm Kat down.

Sighing, I pushed past the two, and stood directly in front of my beautiful mate. She looked into my eyes, and I could see her calming down. When I was sure she was calm, I grabbed her face in one hand, and kissed her.

Behind my back, I motioned for the nurse. I deepened the kiss, and pushed my tongue into her mouth. Her eyes fluttered close, and sighed into our kiss. She didn't even notice the nurse thump her arm to find a vein, or stick the needle in. I smirked against her mouth and I pulled away. She groaned at the loss which made me chuckle.

She looked at me and smiled. Then she realized what happened, and looked at her arm.

She looked up at me with anger in her eyes, but still playful. To this, I just smirked, and picked her up bridal style. Setting her on the bed, I looked at her shoulder.

"How were you moving your arm? You should be in a lot of pain," I asked, pointing to her shoulder.

She just rolled her eyes, clearly a little pissed off at me. They popped her shoulder back into place, but it should still feel like hell.

"When you have a fear as bad as mine with needles, you won't care about pain," she said without looking at me.

Blake came up beside her, and she looked at him and smiled at him. It made me clench my fist. By the look on her face, she knew exactly what she was doing. Making me jealous. Internally, I came up with a plan.

I relaxed my fist and leaned back in my chair, watching her with a smirk on my face. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, and I saw her mouth turn down into a frown. Inside I was laughing. I love seeing her so frustrated.

I started laughing hysterically, making everyone look at me like I am crazy. Kat looked at me with her eyebrow raised, and started laughing along.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. My internet was down. And this is just a filler chapter. I am making this book up as I go, so it might take me a while to figure out what I want to happen next in the story.

Thank you my lovies for being so patient.

The Bad GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora