Chapter 4

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There's a slight trigger in the chapter, abuse/violence, but my main character is a Hitman, so that's kind of a given.

But in case you're unaware, there's you're warning.


You see, I wish I could say that I decided to get some rest and slept like a baby the night I found out my best friend was married to an abuser and former drug dealer. In reality, I don't think I even blinked. While most people were out getting hammered on a Friday night, I was engrossed in my laptop, looking for any and all information on Aaron Austin.

I managed to get ahold of some information regarding his own gang and any affiliations they had throughout the city, but they've seem to been quiet as of late. Once my alarm clock started to go off at around 8:15 in the morning, I threw my shoe at it to silence it, resulting in the clock to fall off the table with my lamp in tow. I stretched back in my uncomfortable desk chair, closing off the file I had open of my best friend.

"Saturday, wonderful."

Don't get me wrong, when I was younger, Saturday was the best day of the week. I never worked, my friends were always around and I didn't have a care in the world. But being in my late twenties with a secret occupation and disowning and losing contact with almost everyone I've ever known, it may as well of been another Monday.

I pulled out my phone to see if I had any morning messages, but to my dismay, my phone was as lonely as I was. Getting out of my uncomfortable chair, I take a quick shower and decide against my morning run. As I'm pulling a simple t-shirt over my head, there's a knocking from my front door.

No one is supposed to know where I live.

I open my bedside drawer to pull out a handgun, tucking it into the back of the waistband in my shorts. I slowly make my way towards the front door and as I'm about to open it, the knocking happens again, accompanied by a small voice.

"Aly, I know you're in there. Your car is in the garage. Open the door."

I sigh, taking my hand off of my gun and pulling my shirt over it to hide it. I crack open the door to see Grace smiling at me.

"Hey, stranger."

"How did you know where I live?"

She pushes past me, making herself right at home. Looking around the room, examining everything I have on display, she finally answers my question.

"I was an officer, Aly. I know how to find somebody."

I walk into the kitchen, scavenging through my cabinets for a bite to eat.

"A police officer and a CIA agent are two completely different things Grace."

"Well, the CIA did try to recruit me years back."

I jump, smacking my head on the cabinet I had my head in. I sit down on the floor, rubbing the back of my head.

"The CIA?"

She turns to look at me, making her way into one of my few dining room chairs. As she sits, she leans forward into her hands, staring towards me.

"That's what I said. I'm good at finding people, I guess I'm a computer whizz."

Why did I tell her I'm home? I have to kill her husband! The second he's dead she won't stop to find out who did it, then I'm pretty much dead!

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