Chapter 22

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Hehe.. hi. So it's been forever since I've even touched this story. And I've honestly forgot about it, but I thought I should finish this story. I didn't notice how close to being finished it was until I opened it back up. This is probably the last chapter if I'm being honest, I might write an Epilogue at some point, but this seems like a good place to cut it off. Anyway, enjoy. Finally.


Two months later

Grace's POV

It's been two months since my best friend has been gone. Two long months of no phone calls, no secret assassinations, and more importantly, no Alyson.

The day after everything happened, I got a new roommate with the name of Lauren and occasionally, the women she decided to bring to the house. We both seemed to have different coping mechanisms. Lauren's just happened to be having sex with half of New York, while mine? I wrote letter after letter to my best friend that I never sent every night before I went to sleep. During the day, I walked the busy streets, trying to find something I didn't even know I was looking for.

Alyson Matthews had made the national news as the Crimson Bullet once she was arrested. Everyone was amazed that one single woman could possibly wreak as much havoc as she had with no one as an accomplice. She was locked in a mass security prison with a very public trial and in less than three hours, she was sentenced to death for the crimes she had committed.

To top everything off? Today was my birthday.


I close the small notebook I was writing in and sneak out of the bedroom, leaving the book on the edge of my bed. As soon as I make my way into the kitchen I notice Lauren leaning against the counter, completely distraught. I stop in the entrance, scared to ask what I knew I had to.

"What's wrong..?"

"She's gone."

My blood runs cold.

"Lauren. Who's gone?"


She hands me a slip of paper and my shaking hands barely manage to take it from her grasp, but the first few sentences make the rest of the paper blurry to my eyes.

It is with disinterest that I must send this letter to all and any friends and family of Alyson Lynn Matthews, known to the public as the Crimson Bullet. Today, May 13th of 2018, Alyson has committed suicide in the confines of her own cell at Attica Correctional Facility at around 11:26 am this morning. Alyson was sentenced to death row for the evening of May 13th, 2018, but she has taken her own life beforehand. The family is permitted the transport of the body for a funeral service when in best convenience to them.

The letter falls from my hands and I'm stuck staring at nothing as Lauren is having a mental breakdown right next to me. I collapse to my knees, frozen between wanting to scream or cry as hard as my roommate is doing opposite to me. One of our cell phones starts ringing from the counter above, but neither of us make a move to get up to answer it. When it rings for a fourth time, I'm the first one to move.



"Mr. Matthews?"

"I take it you received the letter."

"Yes, sir."

"We're having a small.. funeral tomorrow morning. I imagined you would like to be there and if you happen to hear from Roy or Lauren-"

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