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kanda muttered to himself he seemed to be talking to road but i couldn't hear him. wisely lifted me up and looked at daddy motioning me to go to him. i let go of his arm showing a frown. allen was by BAKAnda making sure he was ok. 

daddy picked me up and held me close before a large eye like circle appeared around allen, road, and BAKAnda then they all passed out. i wanted to go over but daddy shook his head at me.

"its ok Ami. road and the 14th will be alright but you cant get to close or you'll get sucked in to understand" i nod and fidget. the earl looked down at them and watched.

"do not freight little Ami soon all will be well. when they awaken so will Alma and then the real fun begins. for now how about you go sit by tryde dear." i look up to see him sitting and watching. it is how is always is. though i guess i could. i don't get to spend to much time with him because he is always on missions. 

walking over i sit next to him. he pulls out a flower and hands it to me. the previous life loved flowers. she had a garden..i wonder if i could have a garden to. maybe it would get some of the others to smile. after this i guess i can ask the earl if i could grow one. taking a look at the flower i recognize it almost immediately. it was a Oleander. the flower of caution. he turned back to watching and i held the flower close. do i know them because of her? sometimes i get these memories of past things but its like a flash of lightning. just there enough to know it happened but no trace of it after words. like the time i had a moment where i saw a field of flowers and a man with a wide smile... then there was when i could hear music but it wasn't there.a hand appeared on my head and i looked up at tryde.

"don't dwell to much on it" he didn't look at me and the words were soft but it was him who said it. i looked down at the flower and put it in my hair watching down with him. the scientist were yelling at allen to get up. then i heard one explaining about Alma quietly. talking about him like a thing instead of a person. it made me sick. how could they do that to their own. i may not like them or trust them but this was a whole different level of cruel. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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