1. The Velvet Box

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When writing fanfics, I try my best to imitate the writing style of the original book and capture the essence of the characters accurately. So I hope this captures the essence of Lilly and Mr Ambrose well.

If you have read my one shots from 'After the Storm', you'll find this awfully familar. Due to severe time constraint posed by school life (aka hell), I realised that I didn't have time to write a whole new story. I just edited my previous works and made some improvements to them.

Anyway, enjoy! And please vote and comment. Thanks 💗

Thank you persan8 for pointing out the numerous grammatical and spelling mistakes I made!

Dedicated to the best writer ever: RobThier


Mr Linton,

Fetch file 189Q

Rikkard Ambrose

I hurried to the box, drew out the requested file and slid it under his door.

Mr Linton,

Bring me file 110B

Rikkard Ambrose

I grabbed the box and ran my fingers across the files, in search of the one requested.

I grabbed it, walked as fast as my aching legs could carry me, and chucked it beneath the door. I heard it slide mutinously across the ground.

Mr Linton,

Get me file 201E.

Be gentle with the files. They're important.

Rikkard Ambrose

Be gentle my arse! The files were sturdy and sliding them, as if I were a thrower and them the discus, was one of the only ways for me to release my frustration.

Mr Linton,

Hurry up

Rikkard Ambrose

It had only been a minute but that bloody bugger had no patience. He was pelting me in mad demands. I'd eat my parasol sideways if he actually read all the files he demanded for.

Mr Linton,

Get me file 149D

Rikkard Ambrose

After a while, his messages became ruder and more curt, if such was even possible.

Mr Linton,


He didn't need to write his name for me to know it was him. No one else was capable of such brevity and stingy usage of words, ink, and time.

This routine continued for a good half a day and I groaned. That bastard had refused to see me and kept his dastardly door locked. What was his problem?

Mr Linton,

Fetch box 31IV224

Rikkard Ambrose

My eyes lit up. He wanted a box!

I grabbed up my trusty fountain pen and composed a message in my best griffonage.

Dear Mr Ambrose,

I will require you to open your goddy door for that!

Yours Faithfully,
MISS Lillian Linton

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