4. Epiphany

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This is an entirely new chapter that I finished writing today. It was a little rushed so it probably isn't that great.


I cracked my eye open and was almost blinded.

"Bloody hell..." I groaned and wiggled myself into a sitting position, eyes shut tight.

Light jabbed mercilessly past my eyelids and it took a minute for me to adapt to it. I opened my eyes torpidly this time, squinting at my surroundings that were awashed in dim light. Fortunately, the lamps were not as bright as the light ball in the sky. What did you call that again?

Sun! Yes!

I mentally clapped myself on the back for my vast intellect.

I shifted myself, trying to relieve the ache in my posterior that derived from sitting in an unsurprisingly uncomfortable chair. I really had to convince Mr Ambrose to purchase more comfortable furniture, but knowing his luxury phobia, it was unlikely that he would agree amicably with me.

I stretched and yawned, almost toppling off the seat. I grabbed the armrests to straighten myself.

My foggy gaze fell on Mr Ambrose who stood at the window, looking out in possible contemplation on how to covet the land from the British Empire and make it all his. It was still night however, but knowing him, he could probably see in the dark through sheer will power.

The last time I was in his office at night, strange things had occured; strange things that made warmth simmer slightly below my belly.

Sensing my awakening, Mr Ambrose turned.  I felt myself flush a little at the sight of his angular visage, but the moment I was reminded of his imminent proposal to a certain airhead trollop, my body set itself on fire in an entirely different way.

I wanted to find Miss Hamilton and greet her with a nice and perfectly polite slap to her face, preferably with one of those wooden things with four legs that usually had food placed on them.

I pondered for a moment, trying to recall its name.

A table! I smiled at how smart I was. And men still said that women had no brains!

The yellow, red spotted piggies snorted supportively in a corner.

Blimey! I grinned. The adorable little porkers were still there.

"You're finally awake."

My head swivelled so swiftly towards him that I felt a pop in my neck. His face was shrouded in darkness, making him appear all the more imposing.

"Oh you noticed?" I couldn't keep the sarcasm out of my voice. It was a God given talent I tell you.

"Of course, Mr Linton." He replied sharply, apparantly not appreciating my fine rhetoric. He moved away from the window towards me. "I'm not blind."

"Yes you are." I snapped before I could help myself.

Blind enough to see Miss Hamilton as a suitable bride.

His piercing gaze made me regret ever saying anything.

"Indeed? Why so, Mr Linton?"

"Noti-nothing." I shook my head to clear it but to no avail.

He sat down on his chair, opposite me, and steepled his fingers. I felt my body turn from hot to cold. "Care to explain? It clearly isn't nothing."

I gulped. Even in my slightly blurred state, I knew that giving him an answer wasn't the way to go. Not like I had an answer anyway.

Why would I care if he married her? It wasn't my business! He had his life to lead and I had mine. Him proposing to her shouldn't be a problem, not at all!

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