23 // "I've Watched Loads Of Videos On The Quran And I Know Nothing "

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Nathan shocks himself awake and he thankfully opens his eyes to the sunlight filtering through the curtains. This time it wasn't the shadows infiltrating his mind but the incident that happened with the boys. At first, he lied there paralysed with fear but then realises that at least they're not in the room with him.

He's desperate to return to his body so the Blessing could be the one who has to deal with the whispers and the wagging tongues. At least when he returns to his own body, the same fear won't wash over me because they won't be looking at him and if they do decide to square up, he can match up. In fact, Nathan has decided that the first thing he's going to do when he returns to his body is get his boys and fight the whole gang of them.

Sighing heavily, Nathan kicks back the covers, sits up and peels of Blessing's sweaty pyjamas. Unlocking his phone, he calls back Blessing's mother and feigns excitement and explains that he is fine. The feud between Blessing and him had somewhat diminished and he realises that it wouldn't hurt to have some fun. Especially fun that would take his mind of things. He bats back and forth between himself wondering if he should say it but he shrugs his shoulder uncaring. He utters the sentence loudly and clearly before hanging up abruptly. He places Blessing's mother's contact on silent.

There's a knock on the door and Lana saunters out of her room and opens the door to find Nathan towering over her. Blessing has to stop herself from throwing her arms around Lana and simply smiles and asks for herself. Stepping aside, Lana lets Nathan in and wonders curiously what is going on between the two,

"What are you two doing that's always so important?" Lana asks curiously as she shuts the front door,

"We're fucking," Blessing hears her own little voice quip up and she turns around astounded,

"No we're absolutely fucking not," Blessing rebuffs angrily as Nathan gives her a smug smile,"where did you
come from?" Blessing hisses through narrowed eyes,

"Oh God, now I have to remain a prisoner in your shitty room?" Nathan scoffs rolling his eyes. Blessing  watches as her own body enters the kitchen barefoot. Giving a quick smile to Lana who's, standing in the hallway with her arms folded across her chest in fascination, Blessing follows Nathan and shuts the kitchen door behind her,

"I want to do the ritual again. Your pastor and parents are seriously worried about me and I don't know what to say anymore. I've watched about a thousand videos on the Quran and I still don't know how shit," Blessing explains frantically. Opening the fridge door, Nathan gulps down some chocolate milk,

"Are you fucking serious? What did I say about my weight!" Blessing explains grief stricken,

"What? Are you saying I can't be fat and beautiful," Nathan yells slamming the fridge door. Growling, Blessing scratches the head and dismisses Nathan's comment,

"Also, the president of your society has been wondering where I've been too. He wants me to come this Friday and I -," Blessing begins frantically,

"Listen, if I have to watch videos upon videos of why black people's lives matter and have a fake conversation with some fat ugly feminist, then I'm sure you can sit through an hour of the society," Nathan explains pulling out a chair and sitting on it.

"Listen, I can pretend to be Muslim with your shitty friends because they know as much as me but to be in the company who practice Islam religiously is a bit of a stretch for me," Blessing explains sitting opposite her own self,

"Well then how do you think I feel when I have to feign shock and despair when some black persons comes up to me crying about whoever's been shot in America?" Nathan snaps back, tapping the fingers on the table,

"You know what Nathan, you're actually supposed to be shocked because the justice system is fucked up," Blessing explains through gritted teeth,

"You want to talk about injustice? How about facing the injustice of your own people being judged and unfairly persecuted because of people's ignorant misconceptions about your faith?" Nathan spits irate,

"In fact how about we talk about the fact that people feel that because I'm white and not brown I can't honestly understand what it means to be unfairly discriminated against. And you know what, I'm painfully aware of the fact that because I look like a typical - and handsome- white male, that I'll never be called a terrorist or have acid thrown in my face. At the end of the day Blessing, I have to wake up and see a black face and you have to wake up and see a white one. It's been a month and we're still stuck Here and who's to say this isn't permanent?" Nathan has gotten up and been pacing up and down whilst he's been ranting,

"I can never understand Nathan what it feels like to follow a faith and feel like you don't belong but surely it's better to feel like you don't belong in your own body rather than mine," Blessing explains and realises her words aren't as comforting as she'd like,

"You probably know a lot more than you think. Do you want me to come with you on Friday?" Nathan exhales as he stares into his green glittering eyes.
Nodding her head in relief, Blessing stands up,

"We need to do this ritual tonight," she continues. Rolling the eyes, Nathan waves the hand at his own self,

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep I'm exhausted,"

"Have you even been attending my seminars and lectures?" Blessing asks as Nathan opens the kitchen door. He shakes his head,

"Have you?"

"Well of fucking course! I know all the muscles in this bloody body you moron," Blessing throws the arms in the air before running the fingers through the hair in frustration,

"Like I said, I'm going back to sleep," Nathan dismisses and he shuts the kitchen door leaving Blessing standing in the middle of the room with the arms resting on the hips.

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