#25 The graduation

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Guys this is the last chapter, let us have a moment of silence before we begin. 🙇

Tiffany's POV

Everything happened so quickly. One minute I was studying my ass off for finals, had sleep deprivation, was sad and depressed, almost gave up on studying, couldn't eat anything but donuts, and then the next thing my name was being called by the principle to receive my high school diploma.

I glanced at the students, the familiar faces that I never got to talk to, but somehow knew each other. I didn't feel like I was going to miss them or anything, in fact, I'll probably act as if I don't know them if I see them in public by any chance. But thoughts kept going that this will be our last.

I will have to turn a new page.

As much as I wish to be chosen for valedictorian, just so I get to say shit and everything, but I guess a smile and a wave was all that was needed at that moment.

Bitch acting like you're miss Universe or somethin.

When I saw Leah's face— Mom— Sitting beside my dad, smiling happily at me, her nurse with her, while Jennifer being the oblivious bitch she was kept texting through her phone. I felt content with the view. Bittersweet. But I found focusing on the sweet part gave me a peace of mind.

Andy told me all about her relationship with Eddy, she never stopped complaining yet a smile will always appear in her face when she talks about him. I still don't know him, and I'm pretty sure he hates me, who said I liked him either, but if he makes Andy happy, then I'm okay with it.

Lexie was still single and ready to mingle, I tried and I tried and I tried, but every boy that met her ended up crying and begging for my help to get as far away from her as possible, I didn't know what to do. So I decided to stop playing cupid and let boys approach her. Maybe. Just maybe she'll find a boy who's perfect for her. Or girl. I ain't gonna judge.

Jax got over his stupid crush on Aria and focused on his studies, he surprised me when he told me that he was chosen for valedictorian. And he gave a wonderful speech. The teachers and principle disliked the little swearing, but all in all, it was inspirational.

That leaves me with the famous high school sweethearts. Chase and Aria. I seriously don't know how their relationship was, but they were still dating the last time I saw them. Holding hands, acting cliche as ever. I did talk to them, both together and wished them all the luck for their relationship to work and just left them with our last goodbye.

This time, we didn't need a hug nor a handshake, or a wave. Just a simple nod and eye look. It was freakin weird for me to be honest, but since they didn't try to initiate any action, I just left it at that.

At first, I was disappointed that Joseph didn't attend my graduation, though I understood his situation. But guess who surprised me in my room with a sexy green Lantern costume? My man, that's who!! Yeah, you know what happened next... Okay, we got smooching and kissing and all 5 shades of grey.

Am I happy with the upgrade of my life? Very much satisfying, but I'll always ask for more.

The End"

I closed the laptop and sighed in relief, "Finally done."

"Mom! School sucks baaaad!" Leah came running in my room and laid on the bed.

I smiled, "I know."

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You're a monster... What's with the creepy smile?"

I chuckled, "I just finished my story."

She immediately sat down, "Ohh~ Tiffany Martha Miller finally finished her book, took you months, didn't it? what's it about?"

I bit my lip, my smile couldn't get bigger, "Do you read stories?"

She rolled her eyes and snickered, "Haven't I told you about Wattpad?"

I nodded, "Yes, well do you read teen fiction stories?" She nodded at that, "Alright, the good girl meets the bad boy, they follow the road of love." I motioned my hand like it was a plane, "But while riding, they face many anti-love obstacles that try to stop them from being together, such as karma, or the slut who likes the boy, or the golden boy who likes the girl. It's always the same cliché story." I waved it off like it was lame, she cringed and nodded in agreement.

I leaned forward, "But ever wonder what's the story behind the bitch herself? Why does she hate the girl all of a sudden? Is it possible for a human to hate another for simple reasons? Or is there more to it?" I held one finger up.

I smiled widely at her, intertwining my fingers together as I laid my chin on it, "This is where this story comes, it talks about the girl who's always left behind in every single story. This will show you the perspective of The other girl."


I want to thank you all for reading my story😙😍😍

And a little note, if anyone of you noticed the (") at the beginning of chapter one, you'll know that she's been writing the story all along.

I wrote this for fun, didn't really put much thought and effort. I just wrote. So I genuinely hope you liked my crappy work and didn't think "Gah, I wasted my time!"😂

If you want an extra chapter, like a bonus of someone's life after The Other Girl, I'd be happy to write while it's still fresh in my mind. Any character is acceptable.

I'll miss you guys and see you next time I write a story.


February 4th, 2017

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