Chapter 7. Decision

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"He can't be my mate because..." I searched for answers. "..I hate him! He is so socially awkward and ugly and the list goes on!"

"Oh, come now, he's alright." My dad said.

"No he's not! I'll never love him!!"

"Ok! I get it! Jeez, so temperamental, just like your mother." He said. "I gotta go, see you around honey!"

"Bye dad."

I was so glad that he had left. Honestly, he thought the best I could do was Graydon?

Oh god. What if Graydon was on his way now to propose? What if he caught me and Luke?

A knock at the door startled me and distracted me from my thoughts.

Who could it be? Graydon or Luke?

I look out the peephole and sigh in relief as I see Luke. I open the door and lunge myself at him. He catches me and walks us inside. He places me on the couch.

An hour later...

We lie an the couch, in each other's arms. I never want to be anywhere else but here. Then my conversation with my dad comes into mind.

"Luke?" I ask.

"Yes, beautiful?" He replied, grinning from ear to ear.

"How did you get into my territory without being detected?"

"I stay in human form because I don't smell as strong as opposed to when I'm in wolf form. I found a tunnel that leads from my territory into yours. It's near your house, so I cover up both ends so that only I can use it and no one else finds out about it."

I lie there in shock. "You did all that, for me?"

"Of course. Your my mate and the love of my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." He replied in a voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"And I you" I replied.

His lips kissed mine again, I could never get enough, we were inseparable, until the someone knocked at the door.

Both of us were naked, so we couldn't answer the door. I decided to get up and change quickly, them answer the door.

Who could it be at this hour? I thought as I looked through the peephole. And then I remembered who it was.


And behind him was a quartet, and a bouquet of roses. In his hand he held a small box.


How y'all doin?
Jk I don't care. Keep reading. This is only my debut story so don't judge me.


My Secret MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora