Chapter 19. Hope

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He's alive?

He's alive!

I immediately look over the edge of the cliff.

I can't see from here, but I can feel his presence.

I look at my father, bewilderment crosses his face.

I shift and run as fast as I can down the path.

The pregnancy is making me tired, but my heart keeps going strong.

I run until I see the cliff face from the bottom.

I run around, trying to find him, sniffing him out.

What I find is disturbing. I see bits of fur, splatters of blood, and a broken bones everywhere.

I can't tell if it's Luke or his father.

I pray to God that is his father.

I continue to look, not leaving any stone unturned, when suddenly, I see him.

He's lying there, peacefully, and it looks like he's sleeping.

I pray again that he's sleeping.

He's back in human form, his hair all messed up, a bit of dirt and blood in his face, but he looks fine.

I reach down and stroke his jawline gently, hoping that he's wake up.

He doesn't stir.

I press my fingers against his neck. I feel nothing.

My heart sinks to the depths of hell.

Then I feel something.



"I thought that you'd never find me." He says, eyes opening.

"You're alive? How?" I exclaim.

"I used the trees to break my fall. I have a few cuts and bruises and probably won't be able to walk for a few days, but I'm alive"

The tears are running down my face, the joyous tears running over the sad ones, and I feel complete.

"We need to get you help," I say, snapping out of my joyous emotions for a second,"you could be seriously hurt and not know it."

"I know what you mean. I can't move without pain." He responds and winces.

It breaks my heart to see him like this, but it's better than him being gone.

"Ok, what do I do now?"

He laughs.

"You're the Alpha now. Mind-link you pack."

Of course, why am I still so stupid around him.

Probably his fudging gorgeous eyes.

"Ok here goes nothing."


'Luna?' I hear my fathers voice.

'Um, hi. Could you bring some other wolves down here, I found him. He's alive, don't worry.'

'On my way'

"Ok, my dad's on his way. Don't move."

"Ha ha ha very funny."

I hear footsteps in the distance.

"Their coming!"


"Luke, sweetie?"

More silence.

I turn around.

His breathing is staggered and he's unconscious.

"Oh God no! Dad over here! Hurry!"

"What is it?"

"He was fine and then, he- he-," I couldn't finish. The pain was too much.

"Honey, he's still breathing. Call Edward. He'll know what to do."

Ok. I have to focus.

I did this before, right?

'Hey, Ed?'

'Is this Greg?'

'No, he's dead. Alpha Jonathan killed him'

'Ok, so new Alpha who dis?'

'This isn't funny ed. A wolf is dying.'

'Oh crap. Where are you?'

'A few meters from the bottom of the border cliff. Hurry.'

'Will do.'

I kneel over his body, stoking his head.

"Luke honey? If you can hear me, I just want you to know that I love you, our baby loves you, and that neither of us will ever stop. Luke, please don't die. I your pack needs you, our baby needs you, and," I swallow," I love you. Never forget that."

He stirred slightly, and that gave me hope.

After what seemed like hours, but was only 10 minutes, Edward showed up, and told the other wolves to put Luke on his stretcher.

I suddenly realize that no have been holding his hand the whole time.

And now I have to let go.

"Luna," my father starts.

I let my fingers slide out of his hand.

~1 hour later~

I'm waiting in the hospital waiting room, alone.

Waiting for the Doctor to come out with news. Any news at all.

I wait and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And then the doctor comes from down the hallway, a neutral expression in his face.

"Miss Luna?"

"Is he alright? Is he alive?"

"Please come with me, Miss."


Wow that was long. My fingers hurt. Enjoy the cliffhanger until the next update.

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