Chapter 14 - Running Away (Short Chapter)

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

"Get the bastard!!!" Another male yelled.

"Claude now!" I yelled, with just one arm, I was off the ground and in Claude's arms. He then started to run, fast, faster than a horse. What happened?? Well I just got back from Ciel's manor and these crazy people started chasing me, they knew about my secret and wanted to kill me for it. They said I didn't deserve to be a noble man and that I should die, they called me terrible names and threw rocks at us. It hurt me, terribly, not the rocks but the words. I had terrible body issues that made me lose confidence, this was not helping at all.
The wind dried my tears that fell down my cheeks slowly, soon we stopped, Claude had outrun all of them.

"Young Tokki, they're gone. It's time to head home now."

"No." I denied. Claude looked at me confused.

"What do you mean Tokki?"

"I can't live like this Claude, I can't have people chasing me and running me out of my town. I know I have you to protect me but I'm sick of running, we're going away, today." I sternly responded.

"Young Tokki, are you sure about this? What about the servants?"

" Tell them, tell them we are leaving and get them different jobs. I'm certain that I want to leave, we're going far too."

I was going to leave but I'm not letting my servants go, they may not be my servants anymore but I enjoyed them alot. At that moment I thought about Ciel, what about him? It would be best if I didn't say anything at all because he'd try to stop me and I can't let that happen. I really am a terrible person, I make one friend and I abandon him. I didn't even get revenge on him for last night.


"Master please..." The twins both begged, all their things were packed and they were ready to leave.

"I'm sorry, I don't deserve to be here if nobody wants me to. You all can't change my decision so please do not try."

"But what about Ciel?" Victoria spoke up.

I sighed and turned to all of them.

"This will be my last order for you all, don't tell Ciel at all, please."

It was silent, they said nothing more. Claude grabbed my things and we headed out to our carriage, the servants followed sadly.

"I'm sorry we didn't do such a good job master..." The twins cried, tears welling up in their eyes. I sighed and turned to them.

"No you did an amazing job, the only reason why I'm leaving is because I can't be here. How would you feel being chased down everyday for simply living?"

They said nothing and kept their heads down, not being able to relate to me at all.

"Claude has gotten you all new jobs, I hope you live a safe and happy life. Goodbye." I said finally while climbing up into the carriage.


The whip was struck and the horses were off, I was never coming back again and this was it.

Hi sorry for the short chapter, I've been sick lately and haven't had the mood to update at all but I'm all better now! I'll try to update more tonight, bye byeee 😊

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