Chater 58

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Maximus' P.O.V

My eyes flutter open as the bright light of the outdoors invades my retinas making me grunt in aggravation as I slowly adjust to my surroundings. I look around in a sort of haze, my eyes catching unfamiliar woods and two blurry figures that slowly became clear.

"Alex!" I shout making his head snap to me as his eyes widen before they settle into a pained scowl that made my heart break.

"Welcome, welcome." I turn my head to see that witch girl, Katerina, smiling widely. "To the seventy sixth annual Hunger Games."

"What the hell is going on? Julian's not answering." Alex says making me try to reach Aiden but there was no response and barely a flicker of his presence.

"Listen up maggots, because I'm only going to say this once." She says like some sort of general making my eyebrows knit together in confusion. "You two have been on the outs, after everything I did to bring this one back, ungrateful. Your fight is making your owners sad, so now you're stuck here with mwa."

"They aren't our owners." I growl angrily but she ignores me as she starts making circles around us.

"Here's how this is going to go. You got one week to make shit right and do some biology project. I've enclosed you in a small area, like the arena, it has the wolf pack you'll be studying, a nearby waterfall and no other forms of life to distract you." She says smiling the entire time like if she were a mad scientist and we were her test subjects. "If you try to leave, the forcefield will shock the shit out of you, literally. If you do not finish the project or make up in the week, you'll be stuck here until you do and there's only one week's worth of food packed so good luck with that."

"But ha-"

"If you do not camp together, there will be a consequence. If you do not work together, consequence." She says coming to a stop. "Easy enough right?"

"Listen here you slithering little piece of shit known as a witch, if you don't le-" Alex's threat is cut short with a scream that bellows out of his mouth, making him fall to his knees while holding the sides of his head. I immediately run to him, holding him in my arms searching for the cause when he stops, leaving him panting heavily in my arms.

"Exhibit A of a consequence." Katerina says making me growl as I go to attack her for hurting my mate, but Alex was holding onto my shirt so tightly I couldn't. "I have to go now but may the odds be ever in your favor." She says before disappearing into thin air without a trace.

"Stupid witches." Alex grumbles as he runs his hand through my hair while resting his head on mine, making my heart stop as it starts soaring with hope and love. That quickly fades when he jumps away from me, as if my skin was fire, I feel my insides twist as I look at his face that told me he didn't mean to do that."Let's just set everything up, it's almost nightfall."

"Alexander." I try going to touch him but he backs away.

"Not now." He says avoiding my eyes as he turns to walk away but I scramble to my feet quickly as I grab his arm, turning him towards me.

"Then when." I say looking into his pained, crystal blue orbs that were like troubled waters.

"I don't know." He says looking down quickly, but I force his chin up so that I could see him. It doesn't last long as he pulls away from my grasp, the distance he was creating was tearing me apart. "I don't know." He repeats before heading towards the bags and equipment laid on the ground.

I stare at my beautiful mate that wouldn't even talk to me until we were forced into a space together, it made every part of me scream in agony that I'd cause us to reach to this place when we were once so happy. I hated myself for hurting him, breaking a promise that I knew was important to him and leaving him when he needed me the most.

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