Chapter 59

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Alexander's P.O.V

"Okay....Max, let go......stop.." I groan as I struggle to part from Max's lips. He'd been kissing me like his life deepened on it whenever he got a chance lately, barely giving me a second to breath. Once he lets me go, I jump back panting slightly as I glare at his smiling face.

"Let's head back to camp." He says cheerfully as he grabs my hand, leading us back through the woods.

We were already on day three and had basically finished the little project. Gathering as much information as possible, the wolves didn't mind or presence since we were wolves ourselves. The only thing we'd noticed was that a few pups went missing, we searched for them, but they weren't in the space which was strange. The parents didn't seem to be concerned, they searched a bit but as any animal would, I think they just assumed death as a lot pups died from young.

Max and I had been making steady progress lately. We talked more and hadn't fought at all, he was always eager to help or do anything really. I knew he was trying really hard to show me he was really sorry. He found something for us to do every single day when we weren't with the wolves. He had this unwavering hope for us that was I doubt contagious.

I stare at our hands with a slight frown as the vibrations ran through us like wildfire before looking back up at the back of my mate.

Was I doing the right thing?

I knew I gave in too easily, but I was happy I did. We'd had a week to try and work through our issues and I knew we needed to desperately. I didn't forgive him quite yet but I wanted to try and he seemed more than happy at the offer I made a few days back. Still, the skin to skin contact stung a little as it weighed heavily on my shredded heart. I wasn't lying when I said I was in pain, everyday, every second. What Maximus did to me broke me, it broke my trust in him, in my mate. As a wolf, it weighed heavily on me, causing me daily agony and would until I trusted him again, just holding his hand stung slightly as I remembered the days I went without him, a torment I had to endure quietly.

"We got the whole day, what'd you like to do?" He asks eagerly making me blink ferociously to see that we were already at our sight.

"I don't know." I say quietly, yawning slightly as I glance at him. His eyes were much livelier than I'd seen them lately, it warmed me inside to see him so happy.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" He suggests with a kind smile. "You said that you couldn't sleep again last night because of a headache right?"

"Yeah." I lie. I kept telling him that it was the headache that was tormenting me and that's why I was not sleeping lately.

"Then you go to sleep." He says kindly, I go towards the tent, glancing back to see him already digging through our bags. I take off my outer layers of clothing and slide into my sleeping bag with ease.

I let out a breath as I look up at the top of the tent. I couldn't sleep last night because I was too busy watching him sleep. I spent the entire night like I spent every other night, with my head on his shoulder as I watched his chest rise and sink while inhaling his intoxicating scent. I took comfort in watching his so still and calm, it settled me and before I knew it, the sun was rising.
I did have a headache but it wasn't anything to lose sleep over. Yawning once again, I slowly fall asleep focusing on the light breeze passing through the trees around us.


I groan loudly as body wakes me up without permission. After struggling to come to my senses, I sit up with dazed eyes as I look outside to see the sun nearing its daily disappearing act. I crawl out of the tent lazily looking around for Max but he wasn't anywhere to be found. I call a few times but he doesn't answer, I frown as I slip on my boots and coat before going to look around.
The bitch said there was a forcefield in play so I kept a handful of pebbles that I threw in front of me in case I came close to it. I followed his faint scent in search of my mate who seemed to disappear, this area we were enclosed in seemed to be so big that I almost thought that she was lying until my pebble hit into it and got roasted. Max's scent ended around here but there was no sign of him and he couldn't of been out of the forcefield so where the hell was he.

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