Chapter 5

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I should have been expecting how bad it was. I was prepared for the pain, but somehow I had convinced myself in wouldn't be as painful as it was.

The type of heat that I usually went was pretty mild, it was a recurring thing that usually came and went at the peak of my ovulation. I got the hot and cold sweats, cramps, and was usually extra horny- the normal.

Because I'd been in contact with my mate for over a month and we still hadn't mated, much less mark each other, my wolf and therefore my body was ready to complete the ritual. It was yearning to.

The need to mate was overwhelming.

But I didn't want to mate. I did but not in that way. No matter what or who I wanted I would not mate with Caine.

My mood was horrible, angry, because I woke up that morning with a sore back, which added on top of my already sore muscles because of the excessive workout program Alec inflicted upon me. My senses were dull from the pain and hieghtened because of the heat.

If you were ever wondering what it was like to smell your own hormones I could testify personally.  It fueled the rage in my body even more.

My workouts with Alec were everyday now, I worked hard, especially practicing my shooting aim when I got the chance. That's what they used to kill the demons most of the time so I promised to get good. I was an assassin, maybe not a very good one, but I could be a warrior too. As good as the rest of them.

Caine wouldn't come see me train, didn't care too I guess, which was fine. I didn't want to see him. Seeing him hurt a little more everytime.

Fuck him.

I had to take three cold showers before my wolf calmed down even just a little bit.

Then after my showers I would lay on my bed and cry for a bit. I couldn't control the tears so I just let them happen.

Caine had made it very clear that I was to stay in my room until my heat was over. I knew that no one would be checking in on me so I shifted at night before I went to bed. It helped with the nightmares, and I wasn't temped to open any doors.

When I woke up in the morning I would get immediately into the shower. Tried to calm my nerves, tried to freeze the need that was gripping onto my body.

I was on day four, I knew it would be over soon, halfway there when I thought I would rather risk leaving and getting trouble with Caine. I tried to banish the thought as quickly as it came but it was too late, it overtook me and soon it was all I could think about. All my wolf could think about. She could smell them too, walking through the hallway outside my door, seemingly trying to taunt me.

As I sobbed from lack of control over my emotions, I got dressed in a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, and got prepared myself to leave the room.

I craved attention and at that point it didn't seem to matter who it was from. Alec had not showed up for our daily workouts since my heat had started and I hadn't spoken with another person besides Marlee when she brought me my meals. But she never stayed no matter how many times I asked her too. My body was aching for interaction- contact so badly it hurt.

I paused at the door. Commons sense finally making an appearance. The last thing I wanted was to run into the other warriors in my heat. I knew better.

During the next couple hours I would snap out of the heat induced psychosis and take another shower. I tried to force myself to stay in my room all day but being with myself for the last couple days was eating me from the inside out, especially when I could hear them in the castle. It was unfair to keep me locked up when the best way to ease the discomfort would be to keep busy.

It was late in the night when I had finaly busted the lock on the door. I was done with the bullshit and pried it open, flinging myself out into the hallway.

The hallway was empty but it didn't stop me from continuing my mission. I knew because of the full moon, most of the pack members would also be locked in thier own rooms. I guess was that the only ones out would be in the training arenas or the dispatch hall.

A little voice at the back of my head, maybe my wolf, although she was not usually my voice of reason, was telling me that I shouldn't be out. That I shouldn't test the boundaries of the full moon with a pack that I really knew nothing about.

I ignored it.

I slipped down the stairs to the first floor, where I knew Caine had his own bedroom. This was my intentional destination, to see if he could resist what my wolf was dying to give him.

Irrational, horny, idiot I was. In that moment I wanted  to punish him like he had done to me.

I stopped to peek outside the window and caught a glimpse of  the last truck going out for the night patrol.

I continued my way down the hallway, my eyesight seemed to narrow in at the sight of Caine's door. In my mind I wasn't planning on doing anything, I just wanted to see what he was doing.

This was when I heard someone behind me, then my nose picked up on the male scent- then my body responded. My gaze sharpened and all I could smell was pheromones.

I turned around and recognized the man who I had previously run into in the hallways. Michael.

He had just come back for the night from his patrol.

Before I could comprehend what was about to happen I could feel my eyes swirling black and my canines poke through my gums. My heart rate sped up. Before either of us could stop what we were doing, he growled loudly and slammed me in the wall behind me. His face inches from mine. Michael's eyes were glazed over and almost completely black with pupil, a sign that he had no control over his wolf.

I groaned and bit my lip. He crashed his lips onto mine and I didn't make a move to stop him.

I had a brief argument with my wolf about this being very, very wrong but it ended after the pain in body began to sear.

The next few minutes were mostly a blur.

Michael grabbed my ass and I moaned, he slipped his tongue in my mouth and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed me into the closest room and slammed the door shut with his foot. After he laid me down on the bed and ripped my shirt off I slipped my hands under his and my nails scraped along his abdomen. He groaned and began to suck on my neck.

" P-please.. " I said in between kisses. We were down to nothing but our underwear now. He hooked his fingers in my panties and started to pull them down.

I didn't even know what I was asking for at that point.

Before we could go further, Caine slammed through the door. Growling so loudly. So angrily.

The door literally flew off its hinges when Caine threw it open and he lifted me off Michael with so much force that I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood.

After Caine dropped me roughly on the ground he grabbed Michael by the throat and threw him against the wall.

" MINE!" He roared, and in one swift motion I watched, horrified, as his claws extended and he ripped through Michael's jugular, his dead body falling lifeless to the floor.

What had I done? I was almost there, just a few more days and I would have been fine.

I stared in horror, "holy shi-"

Before I could finish my sentence I felt Caine's hands pull me up and his sharp canines sink deep into my neck.

Revised 2021. Copyright arrihanna evans.

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