Chapter 1

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Two years later

Coming back to LA is my biggest nightmare. When Jake and I ended last year, things have never been the same between us. He made Team 10 and Alissa Violet became more into the picture, so the more I couldn't visit him it put a strain to our relationship and eventually split us up. The moment I heard from Jake about Chance and our hometown friend Anthony becoming YouTubers, that was the biggest surprise of them all. I haven't kept in touch with any of them for months now though, except Logan and surprisingly Hayes. Turns out all the friendships I thought would last, didn't last as long as I would've liked. Twan and I's friendship being the biggest heartbreak. It's towards the end of summer and I finally made the decision to come back for a month before I start training again.

I haven't told anyone that I'm coming other than Logan, I thought I'd just show up and see where that takes me. I get an Uber after dropping my things off at Logan's and finally face my demons going to the Team 10 house. However, I chicken out and stop for coffee first to give me some confidence before facing Jake and Chance. Waiting in the longest line possible, I see two familiar faces. The Dolan Twins. Honestly it was the staring that caught my eye, I had to glance over twice before concluding that it was them. "Abbi, it's been awhile," Ethan comments when they finally walk over to me. "Yes, it has Ethan. Yes, it has," I say while giving them each a smile. "What brings you to town?" Grayson finally asks what I was hoping he'd avoid. "I thought I'd try to patch up my friendship with Jake, if possible," I admit half the truth. Their faces are wiped clean of the smiles that were just there.

"Oh, with Jake. You two haven't been close lately, am I right?" Grayson asks. I go to reply, but then Ethan speaks up first, "Look Abbi, just don't get your hopes up okay? Jake has been different lately and I don't want to see you getting hurt. I know you were the one to end things, but I also know it probably wasn't easy for you either. Just don't go all in for him, okay?" I nod my head and fear begins to creep in. What the hell? I know Jake has been different, since I've been keeping up with Logan, but what if I have all this hope for the best friend I used to have, when that person could already be gone and nowhere to be found. I take a deep breath and release it. "It was really great to see you two, but I think I should get going," I tell the both of them when I hear my name being called for my coffee. As I walk outside someone rushes past me and I find myself not able to go anywhere with Grayson blocking me. "I'm sorry for our behavior, I don't want to see you get hurt. After you see him and you need someone to talk to or need somewhere to go, I'll text you the address to our warehouse and you can feel free to come over," he tells me, then pulls me in for a hug before stepping away to leave. "Thanks Gray, I will," is all I say. Deep down hoping it doesn't come to that.

Finally, here. The gate is closed and a crowd is already outside. Oh great. I thought I'd get here early enough to where there weren't too many people, but there's already about twelve people here. I try the buzzer and nothing happens for minutes, I'm sure they're used to having fans bother them. Well damn. I try again, but this time doing it multiple times. Once again, nothing happens, but then I get a text message.

Tony: I'll come out to get you, then you can go past me into the house. It's good to see you Ab.

Here's the moment, it's really here. I can't help the smile that is now on my face when I see Anthony. It's been so long, I believe over a year at least. When he takes notice of me the same smile appears on his face, except it makes his two gorgeous dimples pop out. "Abbi," he begins to say my name, but then we're interrupted by screams of all the girls. "Your que!" he yells over the screams and moves his head in the direction of the house. I nod and don't waste any time to get through the gate he just came from. I wait by the front door for Tony to come back. "You could've gone in," he comes up from behind and startles me. I drop my phone and go to pick it up the same time he does. "You sure are jumpy. Oh...I get it. You didn't want to go in, because you're nervous. Aren't you? Abbi it's Jake, your best friend since like diapers, you'll be okay," he tries to reassure me, but I still can't help the feeling of anxiety. "Thanks Tony. Lead the way," I finally say something.

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