Chapter 4

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Another morning. Another day not talking to Jake. Before walking out to the craziness of Logan's living room I release a sigh and brace myself for whatever is to come. However, I find it to be normal and Logan sitting at his desk alone. "Good morning sleeping beauty," he greets me with once I'm standing in the kitchen.

There are two plates sitting on the counter full of delicious food. "Did you cook?" I ask immediately, while looking around and waiting for someone else to come out. "No, but I asked Lydia to. I thought the two of us could enjoy breakfast together this morning. I feel bad, because I haven't had time for you since you arrived," Logan replies honestly.

A genuine smile places itself on my face and I walk over to where Logan is sitting. I wrap my arms around him and in this moment, I feel okay. As if my life is not the crazy mess it is. As if he can protect me from it all. "Thank you, that means the world to me that you care Logan," I say with sincerity.

"How was your day yesterday? You came back upset, even if you were trying to hide it, I could tell. However, I didn't get to ask you about what happened," Logan asks as he sets the orange juice down in front of us. I bite my lip, not wanting to answer his question. "That bad?" he comments. I nod my head and hope he changes the topic. He nods his head and picks up a piece of bacon to eat. Not sure if I should say anything, I also start to eat.

"If I asked you to do something, would you do it?" Logan randomly asks. I place my cup back down and stare at him. "I can't make that promise, unless I know what it is," I admit. His eyebrows furrow and I can tell there are wheels turning in his head. "I can't tell you beforehand. Either you trust me or do don't," his words ring the air. I flinch from the accusation that is implied with his statement. "I trust you," I barely say above a whisper. He reaches his hand out and holds onto mine while confessing, "I need you to go easy on Jake."

I go to open my mouth in response, but Logan beats me to it. "Jake is constantly receiving hate from everyone. Left to right people are throwing and saying nasty things about him. All his life, when things got rough, he had you. Since things have been getting nasty, he hasn't had you and he doesn't know how to handle it all. He's a mess without Abbi, you have to know that," he adds while never taking his eyes off mine. He releases my hand and lifts his hand to my face to wipe the tears I didn't realize were falling.

I scoot back in my chair away from Logan's touch. "You don't what you're saying," I voice. Logan frowns slightly and picks up his cup to take a sip. "I'm ready to tell you about my last two days. Jake admitted to still be in love with me, even though he's trying to convince the world Erika has his heart. The look he gave me shattered my heart, because he made it seem I'm the bad guy here for not loving him anymore. Then you should have seen the disgust on his face when I told him I was staying with you Logan. Jake has changed, and you know that. He even sent Anthony yesterday to be with me. I can't even spend time with my old friend Anthony now, because of Jake," I angrily express everything I've been bottling up.

"I know he's not the little Jakey we grew up with Abbi. However, if you stick around, you'll see that same Jake there. He only wants you to be happy. Everything he does, is so you can be happy. He asked Kade to check up on you, because he was worried about you from your last encounter at the trail. Which, so you know, he did tell me. However, Tony volunteered to spend the day with you. Jake didn't send Tony to you. Yes, the idea came from Jake wanting to see if you were okay, but Tony wanted to be there. So, please go easy on Jake. He's hurting too and only wants the best for the both of you. Even if he doesn't know how to express that at times," Logan lays on me.

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