11. Sorry

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Come let me in.

That was the text message Emily got at 10.33 later that night, from Gale. She was in bed, but still up, working her way through David Copperfield.

She sighed tiredly, annoyed at being interrupted. She knew that he didn't want to go knocking on the front door in case he drew her mother's attention, so placing the book on the bedside cabin, she left her room and downstairs to the kitchen. She expected him to come through the kitchen back door.

Gale was there, leaning against the door frame, head bent and wet. His face was wet too, as if he had just washed it.

"What are you doing here, Gale?" Emily asked, her voice laced with palpable annoyance as she let him in. It was late at night, and best friend or not, she was not happy about being dragged out of her bed's comfort.

He went past her and put his hand against the wall, leaning against it. She locked the door and turned to him. He looked at her, a small smile gracing his lips. His eyes were red and watery.

"Are you drunk?" She hissed. She had caught a whiff of alcohol.

"Shh," Gale whispered, then started his way through the kitchen. "Let's go to your room."

He stumbled a bit, but otherwise managed to stay upright as they made their way upstairs. Nevertheless, she kept a safe distance behind him, in case he stumbled backwards.

When they got to her room, he fell upon her bed face first, shoes and all.

"Take off your shoes," Emily scolded, closing the door behind.

Gale turned onto his back but made no move to remove them. Instead, he clutched his head and groaned. "It hurts," he told her.

She came forward and took off his shoes and socks, then placed them on the floor at the bottom of the bed.

She stood beside him and put her hands akimbo. "Headache?"

He nodded once, as if the slight movement hurt. His eyes were shut tightly, his entire expression screaming pain.

Emily disappeared into the bathroom and came back with a glass of water and two pills in her hand. "Sit up and take these pills," she told him, standing beside the bed.

His eyes fluttered open and he sat up, groaning like an old machine. He took the glass and downed the pills. He placed the glass on the cabin and sat up against the headboard. "Thanks," he muttered.

Emily's brow creased with concern as she took him in. He didn't usually get drunk, and the one time she had seen him so, he had been hyperactive, nothing more. Now he just looked depressed and in pain.

Something was wrong.

She took a seat beside him. "What's up?"

She was looking at him, and he looked at her. His bloodshot eyes flicked to the far wall. "Nothing," he answered.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the party?"

Gale turned away, sighing. "I'm sorry," he said.


He was silent for a few seconds, before replying, "Nothing."

Her eyes narrowed into slits. You didn't just say sorry, if you had nothing to apologise for, did you? "What did you do, Gale?"

Other than kiss your crush?

"Nothing," he replied.

His face was now dry, but his limp hair was hanging over his forehead. "What movie did you watch?" He asked.

She decided to play along and ignore his half assed evasion. "None."

"Sorry for missing our movie night," he apologised.

"It's Okay," she said.

With another sigh, he slid down and lay on the bed. "I miss you, Em. Let's go to sleep." He told her, with an emphatic slap to the space beside him.

"You're drunk, Gale. Did you come alone?" She asked. She knew he had left with Matt, and knowing Matt, he would never have let him drive back drunk.

He stilled, his hand folding into a fist. "No," he answered.


"Come on, let's go to sleep," he insisted.

He sounded tired, and she had the idea that he didn't want to talk anymore. The only other time she could remember Gale being so low had been roughly half a year ago, near the end of their second year of high school. Gale had been dating then, a tall gorgeous girl named Olivia, who had at the time been the captain of the volleyball team. They had dated for over a year, then she had cheated on him before dumping him.

Emily had hated the girl with a passion, first for getting Gale's attention and love when she herself had been at that awkward stage of crushing on her best friend, then later on for trampling all over Gale's heart. Emily had hated those days, Gale and Olivia ruling the hallways of Eden High as the school's power couple. Granted, Gale had never at anytime pushed Emily to the sidelines completely, which had been a cause for many of Olivia's tantrums.

That was all past now, as Olivia's dad had gotten a job in another city and she had been forced to move away, which was a relief to not only Gale, but also to Emily who couldn't stand her overbearing self conceitedness.

After the incidents of that fateful holiday, Gale had taken a step back in the school's social hierarchy. He was the captain of the football team, but he was no longer the jock who took up all the space everywhere he went. Other students revered him and he was liked because he never got into trouble with anyone. Everyone knew him and he was popular, but he remained cool and collected, as if every other student wasn't giving him starry eyes for being their awesome captain. However, some of the juniors feared him because of the concept that since he was the best sportsman in the school he had to be a cocky jerk who always had to have his way.

Now, it was either Gale and football and his teammates and friends, or Gale and Em. Emily liked that setting very much.

As she watched his eyes flutter shut, she felt a comforting warmth spread in her chest. At that moment, staring at her drunk and disoriented best friend, she was glad to have him in her life. It wasn't everyone who had a friend who stood by them come what may.

With her thoughts came a feeling of guilt, as she recalled how Gale had complained that she now spent all her time with Matt. She ran the previous week in her mind. He was right. It wasn't bad, spending time with Matt, but it was wrong disregarding Gale. He hadn't done that to her when he had been dating Olivia.

She reached forward and pushed his dark hair back, already figuring in her mind how she would balance the two.

Touching his wet hair, she rose to fetch a towel. She came back and dried his hair, before settling beside him. He was already fast asleep, his soft snores disturbing the silence in the room. Even in his sleep, he looked troubled, as a frown stayed etched on his brow, refusing to let up.

She would ask more questions the next day.

He was troubled, and it was her duty to find out what was disturbing him.

She would, and bring back the missing light in his eyes.


What do I say, Emily has no idea what she is up against. Do you think she is going to find out about the kiss?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. :-) Thanks for reading.

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