26. Bad Guy

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That night was Emily's worst ever.

Which was quite contrary to what she had believed it would be earlier on.

Yes, to an extent, it had been fantastic. The best.

Her first date.

It wasn't something she had thought would happen, ever. Mostly because of her social fright, then because no boy she had liked ever liked her back. She was sure most of those weren't even aware of her existence, and she had long reconciled to that and settled into being a silent admirer.

Then Matthew Spencer had happened, and she had fallen head first without looking where she was landing.

Then, miracle of miracles, he had asked her out two days ago.

There were some dates not meant to be forgotten in a girl's life, and that would be one for her.

"You want to go out sometime?" Matt had asked, sitting at the desk in front of her, with him straddling the seat. They had been alone in the class, with the rest of the students gone for P.E. Matt was excused from the class until he was fully healed, and Emily was, wait for it, skipping.

Something she never did. Had never done. Saying, "Half of the time the teacher doesn't even show."

"Yeah, sure, of course," she had answered, not really thinking about it. They had been hanging out a lot together anyway, with Gale providing all types of excuses as to why he was never around anymore.

Then Matt had chuckled and clarified, "Like, a date."

That had been surreal. She had blinked, not sure she had heard him quite right.

Your dream didn't always come true in the middle of a boring school day stuck in the room you loathed being in, right?

He had waited for her answer, biting on his lip as if he was actually nervous about what she would say.

Lying in her bed on the verge of tears now, she wished she had never accepted. Which, she admitted to herself, would never have happened in a million years, so instead she wished he had never asked.

Because it was clear, beyond any doubt, that he was having second thoughts.

When they had been at that little diner, popping fries and cracking jokes, or at the cinema slouching towards each other, she had been on cloud nine. Then he had gone to fetch Gale, and on coming back he couldn't even look at her.

She hadn't even changed, just thrown a hoodie over the dress Gale had helped her choose earlier. She had thought maybe they would talk more sitting on her porch, or on the swings in his backyard. After all, he had promised to get Gale fast and come back to her.

He had come back, only to have a two sentence conversation with her as if she was a stranger, as if he hadn't spent the evening ensnaring her heart further.

How could she ever face him again? Yes, people changed their minds all the time, and it was not like they had been dating exclusively, like in a relationship, but that didn't mean her heart wasn't bleeding at the moment, broken in pieces.

This was the first time her heart had fallen, and it had landed hard, as if it wasn't going to ever do that again.

She took her earphones and stuck them in her ears, putting music on her phone and turning up the volume. Then she cuddled her pillow up to her face, wetting it with stray tears.

Maybe if she fell asleep, she wouldn't feel the heartache behind Her ribs anymore.

Matt paced in his room like a caged animal.

Yes, he had just done the worst ever thing in his life. Whether Emily knew about it or not, either way he had betrayed her, and he had hurt her. He couldn't tell why for the life of him he had kissed Gale again.

Because he wanted to, yes, but why when he knew he had already taken a crucial step with Emily?

Then when they got back he couldn't even talk to her, and he had seen how crestfallen she had been, and he knew he had ruined her night.

He took out his phone and sat on his bed, went through his contact list. His finger hovered over Emily's name, knowing it would be a good idea to call her and set her at ease, but then again he couldn't figure out what to say. Eventually, he dialed his sister's number, and fell back on his bed.

It rang a couple of times, then Hannah picked up. "You never call me," she pointed out.

"I gotta do it because you don't call me anymore," he replied.

"And guess who's to blame for that," she said, a tinge of bitterness in her voice.

Matt sighed. "I'm sorry, Hannah."


"Being a jerk. I trust you, and if you trust Zain, I'm happy for you. You gotta love who you love, after all."

"Ah, am I talking to Matt? Matthew Spencer?" Hannah asked, evident surprise in her voice. "My Elder brother, with the..."

Matt burst into chuckles and stopped her. "Oh stop it, Hannah. I can't have you mad at me forever, anyway. But you have to give me his number so I can make him aware of exactly what I'll do to him if he hurts so much as your hair."

This time, it was Hannah who burst into laughter. "Nah-ah, not doing that."

"You'd rather I do it in person, when I come down for the holiday?"

Hannah groaned. "Oh come on, Matthew!"

"In person it is, then."

She laughed. "No, you'll leave my boyfriend alone, jerk."

Matt faked a pout, even though she couldn't see him. "I'm your only brother, don't go insulting me."

"Whatever, Matty. How are you, anyway? Mum said you can walk now?"

He snorted. "Was I ever unable to walk?"

She laughed. "Without clutches, yes. Hurt your big enormous ego?"

"There's a ego in the first place?" Matt defended.

"I can even feel it across the line," she said.

Matt rolled his eyes. "Shut up."

"What's up anyway? Why did you call me?"

"To check up on you, why else?" He deadpanned.

"Oh no, I know there's something that made you pick that phone and dial my number. You normally text."

Damn females and their sixth and tenth senses.

"The urge to hear your voice?"

"Yeah right. Speak up, Matthew."

"Don't call me that."

"What, your name?"

He scoffed. "You're a mighty tease today, young lady."

"Haha. Nice try to distract me, anyway. Is it about your little guy crush?"

Matt face palmed. He had no idea how Hannah picked up on his interest in Gale. Was it that obvious? Or was it those outrageous feminine senses yet again?

"Matt?" Hannah prompted.

He was tempted to tell her everything. Maybe she could help him figure out how to go around what he was going through right then. Which was absolute confusion. In reality, he had led on both Gale and Emily. He could choose one, and hurt the other in the process. Gale didn't want to hurt Emily too, so there would be a bigger chance of sticking with her.

But then, he couldn't say it wasn't hard to ignore his attraction to Gale. Because it was there, red-hot and yearning to be tamed.

He couldn't believe it, but for once, he was the bad guy.


Thanks a bunch if you still reading 😘.

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