12. Hot And Bothered

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For that entire weekend, Emily saw none of the boys. Which was quite a feat, given their close proximity.

Gale left her house Saturday morning, sober but still not looking good. The first thing he had done when he had woken up was ask her what he had said the previous night.

"Nothing important," she had replied. "Why? What do you think you said?" She had asked.

"Nothing," he had replied, looking visibly relieved.

"Yeah, you did say that," she had muttered drily.

Come Monday morning, and he was back to his usual spirits.

"Finish eating that stuff out there, Emily! You'll leave crumbs all over my car!"

Emily ignored him and climbed into the truck, her piece of cake still in her hand.

"Morning to you too, Gale. How was your weekend?" She asked, throwing her bag into the backseat.

"I hate you," he spat, starting the car. "And if you make me wait a minute longer tomorrow morning, I'll leave without you," he threatened.

"We both know you won't, Gale," she said flippantly, biting into her cake. Gale watched with irritation as brown crumbs fell through her fingers. To his relief, though, they ended up on her jeans.

He backed out of his driveway. "Watch me, Em. Just wait and see."

"Waiting." She finished her cake and slapped her hands together. Bits of brown flew all over the dashboard. "Where were you all weekend?"

"Went to Steve's. He said hi, by the way."

"He said hi, by the way," she mimicked, shooting a nasty glare his way. "You went to Steve's and you didn't say a word of it to me?"

He shrugged. "I just did."

"You are an ass, Gale. Was here bored off my ass all weekend while you went down to Steve's and had fun."

Steven Adams was Gale's cousin, who lived two hours from Eden Heights. He had two brothers, one elder, one younger. During the holidays, the three usually came to Gale's, or Gale went to theirs. Always with Emily tagging along. It was always crazy, when they came over to Gale's, since Emily's own three brothers were added to the mix, which literally tossed her in a sea of boys. Sometimes she felt as if she was the only girl in the neighbourhood.

There was Millie down the street, but she went to boarding school. The Gregorys further down had two girls, but both were barely ten.

"Bored? Where was Matt?"

"I didn't see him either."

"Oh," he said, rapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "Guess what," he added, a grin appearing on his face.


"Mrs Adams is expecting."

Emily's face turned round to him, her eyes wider than ever. "What?!"

"Haha yeah. The boys are thrilled. Praying for a sister."

"Declan is fifteen!"

Declan was the youngest.

"Well he just lost his last born crown, don't you think?"

She sighed. "That was totally unexpected."

"Mrs Adams says she wanted to try one last time for a girl." He broke into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Emily asked.

"She is always complaining about how the boys drive her crazy. If she gets a girl, it will be like you and your brothers."

"I already pity the poor girl."

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