0.08: chapter seven

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"Wait. So you're going to practice," Connor said slowly, eyebrows furrowed as he processed what I told him, "on your off day. With a girl that you complain about everyday, even though we both just know you're hot and bothered. Correct?"

"Corre - wait. N-no," I snapped, face flushing bright red, "firstly, dickhead, I complain about Elle because she can be annoying, not because I'm hot and bothered."

"Yeah, yeah," Con waved his hand, "whatever helps you sleep at night." I opened my mouth to protest, but he grinned and cut me off, "Aside from your hot and botheredness - or lack of - can you explain why you're practicing with her? I'm a bit lost, bud."

I groaned and rubbed a hand down my face, ignoring the fact that I was still bright red. I shook my head and quickly explained everything to Connor: that I was practicing with Elle because she offered me help with a few things that I needed help with. Connor laughed and poked my cheeks, making my slap his hands away in annoyance.

"I don't want to go," I whined, dropping my hockey bag. I threw myself onto the couch and propped my feet up on the coffee table.

Connor rolled his eyes, "Man up, Wilson," he said, kicking my feet off the table. Connor dropped down onto the floor and rolled up his sleeves, "you definitely seem like you need a pep talk - "

"I don't need a pep talk - "

" - and since I'm your best friend, that means I'll give you one," Connor finished, making me scoff and roll my eyes. But, reluctantly, I fell back into the couch and motioned for him to go, "you're a great guy, Scott. Don't be nervous, all right? So what if Elle's better than you? You have a lot of good qualities."

Shaking my head, I shot Connor a dirty look, "That's the shittiest pep talk I ever heard in my life."

But Connor didn't seem to notice, because he shot up off the couch and grabbed my arm, attempting to pull me from the couch, "C'mon, up and at 'em tiger! Go to practice!"

I groaned and grabbed my bag, doing a quick check to make sure I had everything. I bid Connor goodbye (and ignored all his stupid comments relating towards Elle), and slipped out the front door.

I didn't like to admit it, but as I drove over, I couldn't deny how nervous I was.

All through my years of playing hockey, I had never needed extra practice or help. My coaches had always been surprised with my skill level, and I had gotten used to being a starter and staying in most of the game. I had never really had someone critique me on everything and anything like Elle did. And truthfully, it made me extremely nervous.

I bit my lip and pulled into the park where Elle had instructed me to meet here. It was just about to be eleven-thirty - the exact time we were designated to meet. It was extremely early, but Elle had insisted that she didn't want to be at the park all day.

Groaning under my breath, I slipped out the door and grabbed my bag. I shouldered my bag and walked down the pavement, my sneakers slapping against the ground. There was barely anybody around, except for a few kids and parents lingering around. I kept my head down and made my way towards the rink. It wasn't ice, but it was close enough.

I dropped my bag onto the bench out-front of the rink and sat down next to it. I didn't see Elle's blonde head anywhere, and I didn't know what kind of car she drove to look out for her. Sighing, I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the edge of the bench. I was absolutely exhausted, considering my nerves had kept me up half the night.

"Lazy!" a familiar voice called, making my head snap up. Elle smirked at me and rolled her eyes, "I can't believe you're seriously taking a nap."

I grimaced and push myself up, "'M not. I was waiting for you, actually."

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