1.07: chapter sixteen

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"Why do you have a stuffed bear in your car?" Elle asked, pulling out the stuffed animal Connor had taped to my window.

I cursed and ducked my head, scratching the back of my neck. I had completely forgotten that I had left the animal in my car, and now, Elle had to be the one to pull it out, "Um, technically it's a dog. You know, it's Duke the Dog."

Elle rolled her eyes and sat Duke up on the dashboard, "Oh God, my bad," she said, a small smirk on her lips, "why do you have a dog on the dashboard?"

"I'm trying to drive," I quickly protested, trying to ignore her question. Leaning back, I checked the window and slowly pulled out. Gripping the steering wheel, I glared at the fluffy, brown dog sitting on the dashboard, "can you put him away?"

"He looks cute there."

"I'm never giving you a ride again."

Elle had called me up in the morning, insisting that we have a practice. I still had another day of relaxation, but Elle insisted that with the final try-out coming up soon, we needed to cram as much practice time in as we could. I was reluctant to agree (especially since I kept thinking about what Connor had said to me - how he kept pushing that it was a romance), but eventually, I gave in.

I wanted to have the absolute best shot at making the team.

The only thing was, Elle asked if I could pick her up, since her care was in the shop. I didn't really mind, until I found out where she lived. Or, more like, who she lived with. It had completely slipped my mind that Elle lived with her dad - my coach.

The same coach that I figured wouldn't have a problem beating me up with a hockey stick. I liked Coach Monroe - I really did. But I wasn't sure how he would react to Elle and I hanging out, and having practices together. So I opted to park at the corner, in the shadow of her neighbors bushes and let Elle walk to the car.

I sighed and turned into the parking lot of the park. I knew I needed to practice. I needed to get as much practice time in as I could, since the finals were coming up. But I was still tired, a bit confused, and just wanted to go home and take a nap on my nap couch.

I groaned and stepped out, grabbing my practice bag and kicking the door shut behind me. I walked behind Elle, smiling at the sight of my practice jersey on her. When she had gotten in the car, and saw the jersey in the passenger seat, she grabbed it and I didn't question it. Elle wearing my jersey had become a regular thing for us.

I stopped by the track and dropped my bag, heaving a loud, dramatic sigh. Elle laughed and sat down, laying back and crossing her arms behind her. I kicked off my sweats, opting to stay in the shorts I had put on under them. Ruffling up my hair, I dropped down next to Elle.

"It's gonna storm," I frowned, pointing at all the dark clouds in the sky.

Elle turned over and grinned at me, making me quirk an eyebrow back at her, "Better practice fast then, eh?"

"Do we have to?" I moaned, rolling onto my back and crossing my arms behind my head. Licking my lips, I grinned at the track and then turned to Elle, "I'll make you a deal, all right? And you have to agree because I drove you here, and I'm your ride home."

I knew I didn't really have to do anything to try and convince Elle to agree to my deal. We always made deals, it was something we did. Even though Elle and I argued (a lot), she still had a bit of trust for me and tended to agree to my deals. Especially because she usually got something out of them.

"You do know I could always walk."

"That's not safe," I scoffed and shook my head, a lopsided smile taking place on my face, "you could be walking home, and someone could try to mug you. Or you could slip and fall. Or, you could get lost - "

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