3.04: chapter thirty-three

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"Scott! Jay!" Monroe called, and both Jay and I whipped towards him. Coach Monroe waved his hand around the rink, "Ten extra laps, and then practice is over for you two!"

I stared at Coach Monroe open-mouthed and Jay groaned loudly. Neither one of us questioned him, though, because we both knew why we had extra laps. Right when we thought practice had ended, we belted out in a chorus of happy birthday for Edi, only to realize that Monroe was still talking. Needless to say, practice had ended for everyone else except us two.

I groaned and skated around the rink, laughing when Jay banged on the wall and told Edi not to even think about leaving. I'd managed to convince Edi to come over and hang out, and while we would be driving to my apartment, Jay would pick up the cake and meet us back. Connor had bought decorations, and now I had one more person to ask.


Over night, I had become nervous to ask her. I really liked Elle, so I totally believed that she would understand when I told her we'd have to postpone practice for Edi's party. No - I was worried about her getting mad or offended, thinking I had bailed on her. Which I hadn't.

Jay knocked into my shoulder and I stumbled forward on my skates. I yelped and slammed to the ground, calling out a, 'fuck you' to Jay who skated away. I groaned and pushed myself up, stretching out my legs and pulling my helmet off. Monroe had left by now, anyway, so it didn't matter if I stopped the laps.

I dropped my helmet next to me and pulled my gloves off. I ran my fingers through my messy, sweaty hair and looked up, eyes locking on Elle's bright green ones. My eyes widened in surprise and I shot up, only to stumble forward on the ice. I cursed under my breath and regained my balance, shooting her a sheepish smile.

"Just like when we first met," Elle grinned at me and I rolled my eyes, scooping up my helmet and gloves, "Except, you know, I'm pretty sure you smelled a lot better then."

I scoffed and shook my head, shaking out my messy hair, "I definitely thought you were a lot nicer then," Elle gasped and I stuck out my tongue at her, a cheeky smile spreading out across my lips.

A silence settled over us then, and I saw Jay tugging on Edi to get him from leaving. I knew I had to tell Elle then, and I blurted it all out in a second, wishing I had thought it over in my head. (Honestly, though, it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference).

"It's Edi's birthday today," I said, and Elle nodded slowly because obviously she knew that when she heard Jay and I sing, "and he didn't want to have a party, so Jay suggested we throw him a surprise party. The thing is, it's at my apartment and it's today." I paused and stared at Elle, cheeks flushed bright red as I blurted out again, "But you're invited!"

Elle stared at me, processing what I had said. I wanted to slap myself, but I just watched her, waiting to see what she would say. I prayed that she wouldn't get mad, and, honestly, Elle didn't look that mad or annoyed. She just looked kind of surprised and a bit sad, which was a thousand times worse. I didn't want her to get upset.

Elle upset was, honestly, one of the worst things to see.

"So you're cancelling?" she asked, cocking her head to the side, light eyebrows furrowed. She bit her bottom lip and I shook my head quickly.

"No," I blurted out, and then sighed, "Kind of? Postponing? I really want to spend time with you, babe, but it's his birthday."

I waited for Elle to snap, or even tell me she didn't want to postpone. But instead she smiled and nodded, a certain look on her face that I couldn't place. That was the one problem with Elle; I could always tell when she was annoyed or happy, but she was way too good at keeping her emotions hidden.

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