Chapter 5

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I stared at the number scrawled behind the card that Nathaniel had given me, for the past hour.

He had nice writing.

I was supposed to call him by now but I was waiting for the right time. I didn't want to be too eager but yet I wanted to be desperate, desperate for his time. I needed his time but not like everyone else. I needed it because I wanted to know him and make sure that he knew me, the real me. I wanted his pity, sympathy, love, and maybe everything that he gave to her.

The path I was choosing was wrong but who cared? I didn't anymore. I couldn't because no one cared for me. Why should I care when no one did but painted me in dark colors and made me the black sheep? I picked up my phone and called him. The bell rang once, twice, thrice, and then I heard his voice.

"Hello," His deep voice greeted. I could my heart hammering against my ribs as I dipped my feet in the depths of wrongs.

"Hello, this is Evelyn on this side. We met yesterday, the one who ruined your shirt." I knew I would have remembered me but it was better to be sure.

"Hey, Evelyn," I could hear the upper baritone in his voice as if he was happy to hear my voice.

"You said to call you because you might be able to help me with an appointment," I held a hesitance in my voice just to make sure he understood me. I needed to play the part that now came naturally to me, the part of a troubled and upset wife.

"Oh yes right," He paused and my breath hitched. If he said no or recommended me to someone else, my plan could go downfall and I didn't want that. "I'm quite booked for appointments for the next month," My hopes could be heard getting broken. "But I was able to squeeze in some time for you. I should tell you in advance that it's just going to cost you a little more."

"It's fine. I will take it. I will take anything I could get." I was way too fucking eager to yell yes, but I controlled and made sure that I sounded normal.

"Are you sure? It's going to cost you more and would be around seven-thirty in the evening. I mean your husband wouldn't mind, right?" It was nice to know that he was worried about those things but they didn't matter to me. My husband didn't care for one fucking second about me. How could he when he had other people taking care of him?

"He isn't usually home to mind." My voice toned a level or two down making it sound like a whisper to help me earn more of his pity.

"Oh, well that's good then. I mean good for the appointment. I would take you in my personal time, not the official office hours. It's for an hour and I will tell you about the payment when we meet today. Today is good with you right?" He asked. I wanted to tell that it was great but then my eyes went to the bruises around my throat in the mirror in front of me. I bruised so easily that it was normal for me to see myself bruised but the marks that Erik had given me today were nasty. They shouted violence. I was on the verge of saying no when something clicked in me. I had a nasty bruise and a husband worse than the bruise. Maybe I should use this to gain concern and pity.

"Yeah, it is good today. I will meet you at your office at around seven-thirty." I answered after taking a lot of time and thinking about my game plan.

"And you know where my office is?" He asked chuckling.

"Well, google might know it and I'm sure Google will let me know." His office was an hour's drive far away.

"Well, I hope you will be on time with the help of Google but I will still message you the address and time if Google is unable to show you the right position. See you later." With that, he went away and a victorious smile grazed my lips. I was going to enjoy this game.

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