Chapter 17

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I looked at the beautiful dresses that I had chosen to wear at my dearest sister's wedding. There were six of them and they all needed to be packed up with their matching accessories. I had taken great care in making sure that every dress had perfect earrings and necklaces to match, the clutch went with the dress and the shoes screamed danger in their own way. Every attire had something different, something edgy. They all were the perfect combination of innocence and danger at the same time. 

I wanted this wedding to be grand and perfect and for that I too had to be perfect and proper. Sadly, my dearest husband had to be too. The knowledge that he was going for a business conference to Europe when the wedding was happening really dampened my mood after I had done shopping for him too. If he thought that he would not go he was mistaken. For three days I haven't seen him even his shadow was missing from the house. He wasn't crossing paths with me. However, I had made sure to drop a card or two somewhere in the house for his eyes to see and force him to come to me. I was going to use each and every way I would I have to bring my sister down in everyone's eyes.

The love that ran deep inside of him for Serena will force him to go. I was going to make sure he was going to be the one taking me there and acting like a dotting husband. Sometimes I pitied him for being so blind and a fool but then I would have to even pity my parents. They were a bigger fool and even more blinded than Erik. When my own parents didn't have any belief in me then how could I expect the rest of the world or Erik to believe me. The knowledge that someone at least believed in me and he loved me far enough to let me go brought content in my life. It gave me a purpose to live and survive but more than that it gave me the courage to fight and stand up for myself.

The ringing of my phone drew me put off my thoughts. As I reached for my phone I saw the name Nathaniel flashing on the screen. We haven't met for four days. He had sent me a quick text a day before that he was busy and would call as and when he could. I had thought he had come to know the truth about me but that wasn't a case. I had called in his office and came to know that he was fully booked with appointments. There wasn't a breathing space in his schedule. I answered the call without waiting another second.

"Hello, Nathaniel," I stretched his name a bit.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

"Just fine," that was a total lie as I was excited and happy. "You have been busy?" I asked adjusting a dress I had brought specially to attend his ceremony, which I might say would not happen.

"A lot busy actually," he replied. "Forgive me for not being able to give you a call or even set up a session. I'm really sorry about it,"

"It's alright, I can understand. You were already doing me a big favor by making out time for me in your personal time. I don't think I could ask any more from you," I wanted to show him that I was in debt of him that for me he was important.

"It's no big problem, Evelyn. I don't really mind taking out my personal time for you. I kind of like it in a way," the words I really wanted to hear.

"I kind of like it too," I replied reminding I had to play this game because I had someone waiting for me on the other side of this game.

"That's nice to hear," he replied with a sigh. "I called to inform you that I have got time for you tonight but it's kind of too late. if nine is late for you?"

"I don't mind the time, Nathaniel. It's not like someone really cares about me or where I go and am," this bitterly would soon change but I had to be patient. When they would start caring I would have already run away to a place where I would start my happily ever after.

"Don't say things like that, Evelyn. You can surely count me in if you want to," he said with a laugh.

"That's really nice of you. Sometimes I feel like you are the only one left for me in the world," the double meaning in those words could never go unnoticed. Through playing the innocent I wanted to gain his trust his sympathy and some of his love. I heard him take in a deep breath.

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