Chapter 24

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"Drink the water, I'm gonna get you the hard stuff. You don't seem to taking things well," she was the one to talk about. Saying that she walked up to the bar. I just didn't care in the moment where the fuck she was going. I was in my own head. There was proof of what Serena had done. Someone who knew it all and they have kept silent about it all along. There were fucked up people in this world than me and Serena I knew it well now.

Everything I have thought about, all the sacrifices I thought I had been giving had come down to nothing. Chyna made me doubt her work ethics and everything about her. She was god damn crazy if she really thought that I would go with the deal she had proposed. Fuck it all up. I wasn't going to beg Nathaniel, or even plead him. I wasn't going to stay with him in the first place. I was just going to spew the truth in front of everyone and walk out of here like a fucking queen. She could fucking destroy me later on for what she wants. I would like to see what she would do because I knew it well she wouldn't be able. Once I was with Aaron she won't be able to do anything. I could fucking breathe in a sigh of relief at that thought there was no way that I was going to leave Aaron now or even think of giving him up. Chyna could fuck herself for all I cared after this was over.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Chyna asks like a concerned friend. I deny with a fucking fake smile plastered over my face. She thinks she played me but I was going to play her. I was going to fucking use her at all cost. Take her help and make my fucking parents realize that they had been feeding love and happiness to a witch with a dark heart. Last night she had played me because she had caught me at vulnerable but today I wasn't that Serilda. I was a hundred time dangerous than yesterday. I was going to play for the rest of the time to achieve what I wanted. Chyna came back settling down a glass of whiskey in front of me with her glass of wine filled up to the brim.

"I thought doctors advised that drinking was injurious to health," I pointed out looking towards her glass of wine just to make sure that she wasn't a fucking alcoholic because they can be fucking dangerous. My experience with Erik was enough for once. I had to tune myself to her to be able to use her up.

"It's the only thing keeping me insane between my work and your sister or else I would have snapped long ago with the way your sister is," for the first time in last twelve hours I agreed with her on a point.

"So, you have known it all along and cared not to say something about it, even to your brother," I decided to play the desperate and in shock card after downing my glass of whiskey.

"Yes, silence sometimes is the best thing. I could have ended it all within seconds but I didn't. I just couldn't," she looked past me. "Nathaniel is my baby brother and I have always cared for him like a mother ever since my mother had placed his little body in my arms when he was born. My aim had always been to have him happy but seeing him growing distant, thin and losing himself for the first time in my life made me lose my shit. I wish I could know what the reason had been so I could sort it out, a least then I could have kicked out Serena out of my brother's life easily. I had tried to talk to him, snooped around his room, hired too many private investigators to find out what has been troubling him but everything had come to being a dead end with nothing," she said with a far away and saddened face. I just didn't want to believe in her that the fact the devil could sad also. I could understand where she was coming from but she literally slept over it. I literally hadn't left in me to pity her.

"So I let things be how they were and yes it was wrong on many levels. I can't be sorry for what I have done but I'm sorry that you had to face the burn of what your sister had done." I gave her a small nod with a small smile. All fake. Did she really think that her sorry would mean anything to me?

"How are we going to pull Serena down? There's not much time left tomorrow is the wedding itself," Chyna pointed out downing her glass of wine. Everything I had planned would be waste now. Using Nathaniel could not be done as Chyna has pulled him out of the equation of my plan. I had to be sure that nothing would bring shame to her family name. If I did anything else Chyna might ruin it all in the end when she would realize I wasn't going to stay. Hence, there was only one safe bet now and that was Serena herself confessing to her doings.

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