Part 3

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"Is everything alright? Open the door at once!"boomed the voice from the other side of the door to my chamber.  My father instantly put his hand over my mouth to disable me to speak.

"M'lady! Lady Alyssa! Are you alright?!"asked a different voice, that of a girl; Blair.

"Say you are well."my father hissed. I refused to speak. "Say it or your sisters will pay!"

"Yes. I am fine."I called out as father released his grip on me.

"Let us in!"called Blair.  "'Tis only I m'lady. 'Tis Blair and Benjamin is here too!"

"But 'twas only a nightmare... go back to sleep. I shan't keep you any further." I replied against my will.

"If that is what you truly wish m'lady."said Blair before I could hear her and Benjamin's footsteps walk away from the door.

"If you scream again next time, I swear I will kill you there and then." father muttered before he quietly left the room.  Once I was alone, I was reminded of the pain in my arms where father had struck me and I could not help but cry.


"You can tell me what happened."insisted Blair as she examined the scars and bruises on my body the next morning.

"It was another episode of father's temper losses and hot headedness."I replied as Blair helped me into the corset.

"Do you not agree that he should visit a mental doctor if he resolves to this method when he gets angry?"asked Blair innocently.

"Oh no... he'd probably end up sending the mental doctor to his grave before he gives him a chance to examine him."I laughed and soon Blair joined in.  However, our comic moment was soon interrupted by a knock on the door.  "Enter."

"Good morning Lady Alyssa. Your father sent for you. He wishes you would come downstairs to bid farewell to him."said the slim maid I had seen once before.

"Bid him farewell?"I asked.  "He did not mention he was leaving."I sighed.

"What shall you wear m'lady?  Do you still wish to put on the emerald gown or should I bring you something a bit more attractive?"Blair asked.

"Is there really anything more attractive in my closet?"I asked.

"Of course m'lady.  I know exactly the one that suits this occasion best and it would also be comfortable for choosing the wedding flower arrangements this afternoon."said Blair with a huge smile on her face.

"Let me see it!"I replied before Blair rushed towards the wardrobe and returned with a beautiful plum dress.  The dress fit me perfectly.  It had puffed cap sleeves that gave the dress an off-shoulder look and a full-length lace manteau attached to the neckline at the back.  Once I was ready, I slowly descended downstairs.  By the time I arrived at the main entrance, father's luggage had already been mounted onto the carriage. As I appeared, the Earl, Countess Clairvolt and Lord Jonathan all diverted their attention to me.

"Oh good morning dear..."exclaimed Lady Estelle as I came into view.

"You really know how to make an entrance Lady Alyssa." the Earl added.

"This colour suits you."said Jonathan as he took my hand in his and gently kissed it.  "You look like a character out of a fantasy novel."

"Thank you."I said, still surprised at the wonderful comments Lord Jon had given me. My mind instantly recalled our conversation from the night before where he had said that he never felt anything but lust towards any woman.  My heart stopped for a second and all flattery thoughts quickly escaped my mind.

"My dearest Alyssa!"greeted a voice and I looked in that direction to see father approaching me. "Sorry I had to leave so quickly but I will see you again soon at the engagement ball.  Try not to miss me too much."he said as he pulled me into his embrace.  Had we been alone I would have kicked his leg to make him release his hold on me but I could never do so in the Earl's presence.

"I will not father. I promise you that."I said as I forced a smile. He then kissed the hsnd of the countess before descending down the main steps and climbing into his carriage.  All four of us watched as the carriage was pulled by horses out of the gates until it disappeared into a cloak of mist.

Later that day, in the afternoon, I was gathered in the greenhouse along with Lady Estelle, Blair, Sir Paul; the Clairvolts' official event planner, and the gardeners. 

"I personally think the Scottish bluebell- garland arrangements will match perfectly with the lady's dress, my dear Lady Estelle." remarked Sir Paul.

"I must say I quite agree with that perspective..." added Lady Estelle.  "Penny for your thoughts Lady Alyssa?" The question snapped me out of my daydream.  I looked up at her and Sir Paul, clueless of what they were expecting me to say.

"The Scottish bluebell garlands, m'lady, are they to your liking?" asked Sir Paul with a look of expectancy.

"Yes." I said with a weak smile. "They match the little stitched flowers on my wedding dress perfectly."

"Yes, Sir Paul has already noted that." remarked Lady Estelle and immediately my cheeks blushed a deep red.

"Then it is settled. Gorse bunches and baby's-breath for the bouquet and altar and Scottish Bluebells for the garlands."clapped Sir Paul and a gardener quickly jotted down the notes on his script.  I stood there not knowing what to do as gardeners lined out of the greenhouse. I looked around the tall plants in full-bloom until I spotted Lay Estelle waving at me. I slowly made my way towards her.

"My dear, are you alright?"she asked with kind eyes.

"Aye, I am well. Though I do seem to find it hard to focus."

"Planning such events can get rather boring but if you focus on the happiness this marriage will bring into your life, it might make such things more enjoyable."  said Lady Estelle.  If only she knew what life after marriage really had in store for me...

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz