Part 15

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I quickly stood up and reached for the blown-out candle. I slowly walked towards the door, hoping not to bump into anything and injure myself. As I was about to reach for thr handle,  the door opened and I found myself standing in front of a huge figure who instantly pulled me into its grasp.

The feeling was all too familiar. I started kicking and fighting my father who retaliated by tightening his grasp on me even more.

"What are you doing Alyssa?"he said.

"Let me go father or I will scream  for all the guests to hear."I said, with my heart beating out of my chest.

"Wait, father?"the voice said. I stopped to fight the figure as it released its hold on me. "It's just me Alyssa."

"Jonathan?"I asked feeling embarrassed.

"What are you doing walking in the dark? It's dangerous. You could trip and hurt yourself."he said as he fully opened the door to let some light in from the corridor enter the room. I was relieved to see his face.

"A breeze blew out my candle. I was going to try to find someone to replace it."I explained, still shaking from the fright.

"God, you're shivering. " he remarked as he looked down at me.  "Are you alright?"

I said nothing.

"Please Alyssa. We're married now. The least you can do is talk to me. You have to be honest with me. You vowed you would be."

"I... I was reminded of a terrible episode from my life."I said, still shaking frantically.

"Well, first of all, you need to calm down."he said as he helped me sit on the bed.  "You must need to rest."

"But I thought tonight--"I began as I looked at his eyes glimmering in the dim light.

"It is your choice. I would not be able to endure the guilt of taking a woman against her will, let alone my wife."he said softly as he tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"'Tis my duty as a wife."

"True. But it does not necessarily have to be done today,  if you are not up for it."

For the first time, I was actually feeling at ease around Jonathan. He just seemed so wonderfully caring and understanding. Our faces were only inches away so that I could feel his warm breath tickle my nose.

"I made my choice. I accepted you as my husband and I will not walk out on you. Not tonight and not ever." I admitted. Without wasting any time, he snaked his arms around my shoulders and pulled me close to him before wrapping me in a warm kiss. Once we pulled away, he stood up and shut the door before locking it from inside. Then he approached me once again and we kissed with a passion I'd only ever experienced with his brother before; a passion only known to love.


The morning sunlight streaming through the window, greeted my eyes.  I slowly turned my head to my other side to see Jonathan sprawled sound asleep on the other side of the bed, his body wrapped carelessly in the sheets. I couldn't help but smile as memories from the previous night reentered my mind.

After we'd been together,  he'd confessed how fond he'd become of me and even admitted that he could possibly be falling in love with me. I admired him in his sleeping state for a short while longer until I got up and dressed myself in a silk robe before heading to the washroom. I brushed my hair and washed my face and hands before going back into the bedroom.  Jonathan had not stirred since I'd left his side and I could not call for Blair to help me get dressed with him in such a state.  Hence, I decided to get back in bed and wait patiently for him to wake up.  Just as I sat down on the mattress, he was disturbed from his slumber and instantly directes his pair of ember irises towards me.

"Good morning."I said. The words came out hoarse which made me blush and him smile.

"Good morning to you too... wife."he replied sweetly.  "What hour is it?"he asked as he began to sit up next to me.

"I haven't a clue." I admitted. "I assume your mother advised the servants not to disturb us."

"Yes, she probably has." he chuckled as he averted his gaze away from me.

"Should we go downstairs then?"I suggested breaking the silence.

"So soon?" he asked looking momentarily disappointed at my suggestion. "Oh well I suppose we should get some food in you, you must be starving." He stood up and let the sheets fall away, revealing his body completely for a few moments until he fished out his clothes and got dressed.

"Are you coming?" he asked me.

"Oh, I need to wait for Blair to come and help me dress."

"Well then..." he said before taking a quick stride towards the bed and raising me to rest on my knees to meet his face. His fingers gently caressed my cheeks before he planted a quick kiss on my lips and made for the door. "...I will see you downstairs."
He shut the door behind him.

I lay there staring at the door with the biggest smile on my face. One thing was for sure. I was in love.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedWhere stories live. Discover now