Part 12

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Two days before the wedding, guests started to arrive. Most of them were strangers to me and even though Countess Estelle insisted I memorise at least the surnames of the main estates, I found it very difficult to remember anything at all especially with my mind preoccupied about the wedding. I was scared to death and could barely sleep at night for that past week.

The last carriage had just arrived and the gates closed behind it for nightfall.

"Welcome Duchess Dupont." greeted the Earl as he kissed the woman's hand.  She was well in her years and wrinkles framed her features, yet her smile never faltered.

"Welcome dear."added the Countess as she hugged the Duchess.

The woman then approached me and Lord Jonathan who was standing between me and the main door to the foyer.

"Oh my, you have indeed become a handsome man." she politely remarked as he kissed her hand. Her eyes diverted their gaze to me.

"I do not believe I have met a girl who beholds your name before."

"I believe not." I replied.

"Nevertheless, I am pleased to make your accquaintance. "

"So am I." I replied softly. The woman then walked inside and Jon and I followed.  Inside, everything was set for the night's banquet. More than half of the guests had arrived from all over Britain and the remaining ones would arrive the next day, which meant that I would once again have my perilous father chained to me, ordering me around. The thought made me shiver.

"Are you well?" asked Lord Jonathan as he escorted me to my seat at the dining table. I simply nodded and fixed my skirt before sitting down.

As soon as the dinner was over, the guests were invited to the ballroom for a few celebratory waltzers. After the second dance, my feet started to ache and a rush of exhaustion took over me. I was in the sidelines watching the traditional folk dance when I decided to walk out to the gardens for some fresh air.  I was strolling around the grand fountain, when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see Blair coming towards me with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh Blair!" I sighed as she hugged me tightly.  "I didn't see you anywhere during the banquet."

"I was needed in the kitchen, but I' m here now... and you look absolutely amazing."she chattered.

"So do you." She carefully tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "What are you doing out here in the gardens? I thought you were still allowed to join the festivities."

"Aye, we were."she blushed. "But 'tis the perfect opportunity to sneak away with Ben."

"Ah. Well tell Ben that he is taking up too much of your attention lately and I am quite jealous."I joked. She instantly burst into a fit of giggles too. We continued walking arm in arm in utter silence which was broken by the faint ticking of the bell tower.

"Are you alright m'lady? Penny for your thoughts?"

"Oh I'm just thinking of how my life will change once I am married."I explained.

"Alyssa, you are a beautiful girl who deserves to be loved. And if not loved by your husband, you will be loved by your children and your people. You are good and kind and smart and people cannot help but love you. Remember that." Her words made me feel a lot better.

"Thank you. Blair, I really have no idea where I would be without you."

"I will always be here."she smiled as she pressed my hand. "Well always... except I was supposed to meet up with Ben by the stables..."

"Oh you little-- go!!"I chuckled.

"Enjoy the rest of the ball! I will be up to help you change before lights out."

Once the feast was finished, I made my way past bustling servants and guests being escorted to the guest rooms and went up to the first floor of the mansion. I walked past several rooms in silence in the direction of my chamber when a giggling sound diverted my attention. I looked to my right to see a door left slightly ajar with the dim candle light creeping through the gap. Immediately overtaken by curiosity, I glanced inside to see a young couple in the middle of a passionate act of love. Surprised and slightly embarassed to have witnessed such a private moment, I stepped away from the door and hurried to my room. Blair was there and she helped my change into my sleeping attire and then brushed my hair. After saying goodnight, I climbed in bed and stared at the candle on my drawer. Suddenly I was overtaken by a series of overwhelming thoughts as my mind realised that I was only one night away from my wedding night with Jon. I had been so distracted that I had not given it any thought. He seemed  as if he'd done it a hundred times before, yet I barely knew what I was supposed to do.  It was yet another reason for Jon to prefer Florentina over me.  A breeze filled the room and the candle went out and I was left in a pitch-dark room.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora