Chapter 9 - The Assessment #1

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Last night, I didn't dream.

I opened my eyes, squinting at the bright white sunlight that peered through the window of my temporary room high up in the sky. Waking up today was like waking up a completely different person, although I don't really know why.

Oh yeah, I remember.

I kissed Cato.

Who would have thought? Him, out of all people! He's just so dark and.. and.. tainted. Cato was definitely a polar opposite to me, but I just couldn't shake the burning desire in my chest to be with him. It's impossible though, because of the obvious situation that we are in. Things just won't be positive for us in the end. As we all know, only one person gets out of these Games. And they don't win.. they survive.

As if Cato and the Games couldn't make my life even more difficult than it already is, Peeta kissed me too.

But why did he kiss me? I was completely under the impression that he was in love with Katniss, definitely not me. He is the same age as Cato, yeah, but really? Peeta?

Maybe there is something going on with him. I mean, we are preparing to die, so there could possibly be a chance that he is trying to understand everything in life before we go, and kissing me would help him understand something..?

No, that definitely couldn't be true. He had been acting weird lately, and I guess that's because somewhere deep inside he realized that he may have had a crush on me. I just don't think that I feel the same way about him. Don't get me wrong, I think he's extremely sweet and caring, and he is attractive, I will not lie, but I have a feeling that he belongs with Katniss, not her little sister.

Plus, my feelings, my positive charges, are pulled towards Cato's negative charge. And opposites do attract. Cato and I were like magnets that just couldn't be pulled apart, no matter what. At least, that's the way that I see it.

I wonder how he sees it.

Maybe he's just as confused as I am, and just as confused as I think Peeta is.

I threw my hands down on the sheets of my bed in frustration. This has been the most complicated time of my life. Honestly. I'm still young, yet I'm experiencing things that I only imagine an adult would have to withstand. It makes sense though. Since my dad passed away, Katniss and I have had to mature way more than our age group can even attempt to manage.

I pulled the blanket on my bed higher onto my body, hoping that I can just crawl under them and stay there for an eternity, not having to deal with boys, think about my family, or the Games. Just to relax, for once in my life.

I stayed there, drowned in my thoughts before I heard a knock on my door. My breathing hitched at the possibility that it could be Peeta wanting to talking.

Oh no.

"Prim! It's time to get ready and come to breakfast! We have a busy schedule that we must attend to before we do anything else!" I heard Effie screech through the door.

Ugh. Looks like my dream of being a bedbug has been ruined. At least it wasn't Peeta. I've dodged one bullet today.

I snatch the fluffy blanket off of my body and stretch, standing up and straightening my clothing. I walked to a dresser, pulling out an outfit for the day, and went to take a quick shower and brush my teeth.

While peeling off my clothes, I scanned the options in the shower, thinking about what smell I wanted. They're pampering us for killing us, so I may as well take the opportunity. There was vanilla, rose, mango.. so many to choose from.

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