Chapter 16 - The Interview #5

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Please read the author's note at the end because I have a really important question to ask, and I would really appreciate it if I got some answers. Happy reading!


So this is the big day. Interview day. I didn't spend the day doing much of anything really, mostly because I was so preoccupied with the issue concerning Cato and that he doesn't want to be allies. It was safe to assume that we would become allies at one point in the Games, right? Am I out of my mind to have thought that?

I don't know. Maybe I'm being too clingy and he's noticing. We have spent a lot of time together.. but no, wait. Every time we were together, other than the first night on the roof, it was because of Cato. He always found me, told me to meet him.. so of course I'm not being clingy. The guy even chose to sleep with me.

I don't know if I'm being completely irrational with deciding to just let him go. I feel as if it's for the best, but at the same time, it's crushing me. It's not heartbreak, but it's kind of miserable just thinking about how I told him I wouldn't be around anymore. Just thinking about it makes me want to break all rules and run down those stairs to his floor. But I can't do that. I need to stand my ground or he's going to figure that I'm easy and use that against me in the arena.

Oh my goodness, what if this whole thing was to make me let my guard down so that he and his allies could make a joke out of me? I don't think he would do that, but we're going into the Hunger Games. That should be self explanatory.

Anyway, this entire day was spent watching the television and thinking about my family. Today would be the first day that they would hear me speak since the moment I stepped onto the train. I know that I look a million times better than I did when we left, but I'm still nervous. I wonder how my mother and Katniss are going to react to seeing that I'm alive and well.. will they cry, scream, jump for joy? Everyone in the Seam will be watching, so I hope that I can make all of them proud, not just my family. I told them that I would try to win, and that's what I'm going to do, whether I have help or not.

All good things have to come to an end, because soon, Effie was knocking on my door so that she could escort me and Peeta down to the dressing rooms to prepare for our interview.

When I stepped outside of my room, Peeta and Effie were standing there, and we started walking toward the elevator. Oh, the glorious elevator where I shared a great memory...

"So, are you both excited about the interview?" Effie asks as the elevator doors close. I glance at Peeta who is staring straight ahead. It doesn't seem like he's going to answer, so I may as well.

"I don't know, I guess so. I'm nervous about speaking in front of the entire nation," I tell her honestly. Who wouldn't be nervous? If I mess up, the whole country will see it.

"Oh darling, you don't have anything to worry about. Caesar Flickerman makes sure that all of the tributes have a wonderful time on the stage. You will be comfortable with him, trust me," Effie tries to reassure me. I nodded my head, still nervous. I guess I will tell once I get up there.

"Thanks, Effie."

"No problem. You and Peeta both are the best tributes that I've had. You're not wild and disregarding of others. You'll do well and get lots of sponsors," she continues.

"You really think so?" Peeta asks, finally speaking up. It was the first time I had heard his voice in a couple days.

"Of course. Just be calm. And wait until you see your outfits for this evening. You're going to love them!"

The elevator doors slid open, and Cinna and Portia were there, ready to get us dressed.

"Are you ready?" he asks as we enter my dressing room.

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