Chapter 18.

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I lead her from the wooden balcony steps onto the sand and on the shore of the dark blue waters.

My hand held hers and I saw her look up at me as we walked side by side.

"Do you like it here so far?" I asked, trying to distract her from my gesture.

"It's very beautiful here," her eyes gleamed as she looked out into the mountains and smiled at a little girl and boy playing in the distance. "I've never been to the beach before. My friend Maddie would have loved it here. She's more of a clubbing type though."

"And how about you?" I wasn't interested in hearing talks of her friends, but I took the name into my mental notes had I ever needed it for some reason. Anyhow, I wanted to learn more about Ariella.

"I rarely go to clubs," she informed. "Except when she drags me to them when she goes," She laughed. "I'm not a huge fan of drinking."

"Is that so?" I raised an eyebrow as I thought about if I had ever seen her with a drink. "Then how is it that you told me exactly what was in that daquiri?"

"Here's a little secret," she started, tilting her head towards me breifly. "I'd never actually drunk it before. I used to be a server so I've made it once or twice."

"Wow," I said, feigning offense. "I knew I had to worry about you."

"Hey, atleast we can say I tried my first one with you," she smiled innocently at me and I looked off with an 'oh please' look and she laughed, bringing a smile to my face.

It was a peaceful silence until I heard a question come from her. "Can I ask how your meeting went?"

"You don't want to hear about all that stuff, do you?" I attempted to brush it off.

"I actually do," she said. "It must be important if you came this far for it."

I sighed, taking another glance at the waves gently crashing against the shore. "Everything seems in order at SEO, luckily. But.."

"But what?"

"Nicholas Fausti made an offer to my soon to be partner," I uttered, my eyes never leaving the water as I spoke.

"Can't you just make a bigger one?" She asked, a look of guilt on her face.

I laughed at her obliviousness of how business worked. "I could. But there's still very much to decide. Also, there will be paperwork. But that comes when Pravat is sure Sinagon is not willing to fuck us over again," I explained.

"Oh.." She spoke, looking down.

"I told you, you didn't want to hear about it," I chuckled, lightening the situation.

"No, I'd like to learn more, but maybe without the aggression," she nodded, playfully.

"Yeah, yeah," I joked back, rolling my eyes.

Suddenly our feet connected with water and she stepped back at the cold temperature. "This is a sign! We should get in the water."

Her eyes went wide as I shook my head. "I don't think-"

Before I could finish she was hopping her way in, jumping to the grass covered rocks when the coldness touched her.

"Come on, Dante," she encouraged.

"I don't think so, gattina," I told her, running a hand through my hair.

"Don't be scared," she teased, walking backwards on them.

"I am not scared," I told her, placing my hands on my sides.

I looked down at the rocks warily, then she continued.

The Perfect Intern Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora