Chapter 55.

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Thirteen weeks in and I had already thought of many names for my, as Dante had said, 'little potato'. I wasn't sure it was the nickname that I liked, but rather the cute baby voice he had talked in when he used it.

Although, my boobs were almost always sore and I couldn't last 10 minutes without having to pee, I was satisfied with the fact that my nasea had settled and I wasn't yet big enough to begin waddling like a penguin as I had seen the women in movies do.

My hormones weren't too bad. But they admittedly weren't too good either. One minute I was bawling with tears after assuming Dante was calling me fat when be pointed out that my baby bump was getting bigger.

And the next, I was instinctively throwing a lamp at Dante for forgetting his phone at home when I needed him.

Which was all the time.

I mean leaving his phone. Not the lamp.

I didn't think it was all that bad considering Maddie was on the floor laughing as an unamused Dante had told her about it.

However, it was quickly forgotten the first time Dante had felt the little one kick. I watched as the excitement in his eyes went through the roof as the baby responded to the sound of his voice.

"There's my little future CEO," Dante had said.

Another nickname I couldn't say I was too fond of, but I let him have his fun.

Suddenly, I remembered the night where Dante and I had attempted to sleep, but he or she wasn't quite ready to do so as Dante's hand rubbed my stomach.

I didn't think Dante could sleep either as we had just finished discussing what he could remember about his mother, my curiosity getting the best of me.

As the baby's movements caused weird feelings in my belly -- most likely in efforts of getting comfortable -- Dante slowly moved the covers down and his head leaned close to my belly before he whispered, softly, "You should let your mommy sleep. She has a big day tommorow."

He was referring to going wedding dress shopping, in which, I chose a beautiful, strapless, mermaid styled dress that hugged my curves perfectly.

There was only 7 more weeks until I could find out if my little potato was a girl or a boy and less than that until I'd be walking down the aisle to marry the man that I loved.

We had finally had most of the decorations and location figured out, deciding on a red, black, and white theme. The colors appeared to flow together smoothly due to the idea pallets the wedding planner, Kim, Karina had hired showed me. Dante rarely wanted to make any decisions on what would be there, only agreeing with what ever I wanted or using his version of reverse psychology on what I'd choose. Nonetheless, when the planner laid the different combinations in front of me, I tried to think of what Dante would like. From what I could tell, he liked dark colors -- considering how his house was black and grey and his car, raven-colored.

As for the place, it would be outdoors, but underneath a rather huge white tent. Dante managed for it to be on a different part of the island that we has onced kissed in the waters of. It didn't look much like the one area near the Bo Phut Resort, but was twice as beautiful as there were more palm trees and the view of the sunset from behind the mountains in the distance were breathtaking -- and that was only from the pictures.

Today, the only thing we had left to do was choose a wedding cake design and flavor. I had decided to bring Maddie along with me as Dante decided it'd only be fair to have another guy tag along as he'd chose Donatello.

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