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"Is this some kind of a joke... because Florence it isn't that funny"

He thought it was a joke, he actually thought she would joke about something as serious as being pregnant.

"No Cole" all the excitement had faded from her voice, all she felt was slightly sad and stranded like he had boarded a ship and left her behind on a remote island.

"Wow, well this is alot to take in..."

She didn't let him finish before hanging up the call, she didn't know where her fury had come from but suddenly her whole body was alive with such anger that she was sure her face had turned bright red, a mean thought entered her head.

Andrew would have handled this situation way better, he would have a plan and excitement in his voice as they discussed their future.

And it all came back to one thing, the thing that had kept she and Cooper up many nights having hushed conversations in the bathroom, Coops thought she was being irrational and paranoid but the fact that Cole hadn't called her back almost proved Florence's point, she was scared that Cole didn't love her anymore.

Okay, they lived together and they were happy most of the time, but it had been two years and every time she brought up the subject of their future he seemed to skirt away from the subject hurriedly, everything had to be new and moving at a fast pace with the two of them, like he never wanted to just sit back and take a long think about where they were actually going in their relationship.

Florence didn't cry nearly as much as she used to do but now she felt the familiar tears pricking her eyes, what if she was losing him?

She didn't think she could bear it, having a child was meant to be a shared responsibility, all she had felt when she'd seen the positive outcome on the pregnancy test was happiness, like she was a balloon filled with laughing gas, a thousand images had come to mind, she and her child holding hands, Cole lifting it up into the air and smiling and all of those images had made her feel like perhaps this was her purpose, she was twenty-three that was a normal age to start a family, nothing would make her happier than giving love and giving life.

But she needed Cole by her side, she didn't even notice the people milling round her on the busy street.

Her phone began to ring and she started, quickly wiping at her eyes even though the caller couldn't see her face.

"Hi" Cole sounded slightly less shell-shocked.


"I'm sorry Flo, I was just totally floored by that and something big happened today at work so I was already distracted, but you know I couldn't be happier, I'll be back from work at around six today I have a meeting, but we'll go out and celebrate afterwards, please don't think I'm not happy I really am, I'm actually in the store cupboard now but someone will notice I'm gone soon, love you"

And then he hung up again and Florence was left feeling utterly abandoned, he'd had to keep repeating that he was happy, people who were happy didn't have to reassure you that they were happy, she hadn't heard any delight in his voice, it had sounded more like hysteria, and the way that he had said that something big had happened at work.

Like some stupid meeting was bigger news to him than the fact that she was carrying his child.

Cooper picked up on the third ring.

Dawning (Dysmorphia Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now