Chapter TEN

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Claire sat in the back of the class and stared at everyone making sure that they knew she wasn't in a good mood. Not after how the boy practically had a panic attack and ran away.

She couldn't even ask him his name. Couldn't walk him to his first class. And couldn't get him to know her too.

After that, when Claire was left dumbfounded, she was called to principal's office, with her two friends and one b itch of an enemy to talk about the suspension.

Moore wasn't quite happy when his eyes met her's. He was actually looking horrible with all the lightly faded away bruises.

Nonetheless, Claire was proud that the red rash on his face were actually from Clair's bruised up knuckles. Moore deserved it 'cause she belived he started everything by harming Adam.

Actually, after they met in the office, they had a fight. Not the physical one, the verbal one. They just stuck to mumbling names and throwing a curse word here and there.

Principal wasn't happy.

Well, shit.

He assigned the two of them detention. After the school. Today.

What a record Claire was gonna get. Maybe she would just skip college 'cause it's not made for her. No one will want a kid like her with a record so bad in their college.

After all of these, it was hard to sit in a boring ass class with a fuxking neutral face. So all she did was glare. Even though no one dared to look at her.

Now, there was that one subject she never attended... Art. Never.

Teachers thought they should talk about it. But then again, art wasn't an important subject...For Claire. They noticed that she would fail in art, and so they'd rather her being absent than the big F.

Claire was more than ready to get out of this class when bell finally rang. But she wasn't having it her way which made her roll her eyes at the teacher when he closed the door before anyone could leave.

It's lunch. For god's sake.

"Ok guys, settle back down! I have an announcement actually," he started, making hand actions. "You all know that you're in class twelve, senior year, and like every year y'all will have a trip down the country. All you have to do is get your parents signing a letter to agree. For more details, check the notice board."

And Claire rolled her eyes again.

She didn't care about the stupid trip. She just wanted to get out of here.


"Look, Hails, I need his name, okay? I do." She grunted, taking her seat next to Hailey. Adam was right in front of Claire, looking at his phone seeing whoknowswhat.

"What?" Hailey asked, raising her eyebrows at Claire in a confused manner.

"I need his name."

"Who? Who's name?"

"Would I know if I'm asking you?" She gave a bored look.

"She's talking about Brady Carson Clark's son. In short, she is talking about Clark." Adam mumbled, picking on his lips and still not looking at the two.

"Yeah? How do you know that?" Hailey furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"She doesn't shut up."

"The fuck? I never talk to you about him." Claire glared.

"Sure." He replied.

"First off, Claire, I don't know him or his name. I just know he is that person's son. And that his brother studied here in the same school." Hailey sighed and leaned back in her seat.

Just as Claire was about to tell something along the  lines 'you helped a lot thank you' sarcastically, she spotted 'Clark' in the far corner of the food court. And she even saw that he was alone.

"Guys. Think we'll join someone for lunch today." She smirked and pointed the boy in sweater to her two friends who just gave out a acknowledged sound.

Soon, they were standing and walking towards the corner table.

When the boy realised what was going on, he just widened his eyes, looked around him and shrunk back into his chair.

He was sitting alone.

He even looked a lot pissed when Claire placed her bag on the table and took a seat right in front of him.

"Can we join you?" She asked, trying hard not to smirk.

"Well, you don't actually need my permission, you're already sitting." He scoffed but stopped when her smirk fell.

"Feisty much." Her lips curled up again.

"Where are your friends?" Hailey asked, sitting to his right while Adam sat to his left. They were pretty sure that they were scaring the poor boy by surrounding him.

"I... Uh.... My friend is absent." He mumbled, clutching his bag to his chest and eyeing each and everyone of them.

Soon, he became aware of the surrounding people staring at their table, at Claire, Adam, Hailey and at... Him.

"I-I must go." He gulped, standing up swiftly and swinging his bag around his shoulder. The three of them watched as a poster flew out from his bag, landing on the table.

"What's that?" Hailey questioned, bending forward and grabbing the piece of black and white paper before the guy could. "Trip? A school trip to the woods and forests?"

They frowned, as the guy ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

"The trip?" Claire crunched her face up. "You're going? You're in year twelve?"

The guy gave a small nod.

Suddenly, Claire was interested in the trip.


I love y'all

Dedication: all of my readers ❤️

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