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"Give up, Claire, it's over." Sean huffed, holding Claire's head down in a headlock even though that skinny boy was weak inside out.

"Oh you little fucker...." Claire grunted, her hands reaching behind herself and gripping Sean's shirt. And in a swift move, she lunged him forward.

Sean screamed, falling face first on the floor in front of her.

"Stop you both! That's not boxing!" The coach yelled, throwing two rolled newspapers, which hit them right on the face.

"Ow." Sean mumbled.

"Get out of here if you are gonna fight like dogs and cats!"

"I did nothing-!"

"That was not boxing! That was wrestling!" Coach lowered his face to glare at them. "Enough for today. Both get out."


"Get out!"

And after five minutes, he was slamming the door shut on Sean and Claire's face.

Well, that was how he was anyways. Seeing as Claire and Sean didn't seem to cooperate well, he had them up fighting against each other. He thought that would help. But... Nah.

That was far from helping. The two bastards were up each other's throat, glad that they were against each other. Sean seemed quite angry at Claire. Maybe because she made him pick up that loser's books.

And he didn't even want to think about what had happened in the lunch break.

It was high school after all. So everyone in the campus had come to know about this small incident. So in the lunch break, his friends wouldn't shut up about it.

It didn't help the fact that Claire Cooper was in the same boxing classes he had been taking. So he knew her quite well. But not personally. Maybe he just needed that nudge to take it to that level which Claire gladly gave him.

So now, they were standing here, in from of the building, hoping that coach was just joking around. Which he did alot.

But maybe not this time.

"Great! We got kicked out!" Sean exclaimed.

"It's not the first time anyway." Claire rolled her eyes.

Yes. That was true. It wasn't their first time to get kicked out of their boxing classes. That's how it worked. You mess up, you're on the streets.

"Well, that doesn't mean it's okay!"

"Why does it even matter....?" Claire sighed at the guy. Every guy she met nowadays seemed to be shorter than her.

Atleast she was glad that she could take them down easily. Sean was a piece of cake for her to handle.

Sean stayed quiet before opening his mouth and closing again.

"I might as well leave rather than standing here next to you." He grumbled. He did clearly see Claire as his companion. But right now he wanted nothing else other than to leave.

"Feeling's mutual."

Suddenly something seemed to strike in Sean's mind and he was turning around to look at her.

"You heard about the school trip?"

Claire was surprised by the question. She just felt weird that she was going to have a normal conversation with someone like Sean.


"You're going?"

"I don't know. Why do you even care anyway?"

"I was wondering whether I could spend the next whole week in peace. Without you, may I add."

Claire stopped walking, staring at the boy strangely. As if Sean looked like a screwed up mess. She couldn't believe it.

It was impossible.

"You...? Trip?"


"You're in year twelve?!"

"Of course I am! What do you think?!"

"the fuck?! Your height doesn't prove that! I thought you were in grade ten!"

"What the fuck?!"

"What the fuck?!"

They stared at each other weirdly. They didn't expect it at all. Sean was so embarrassed that he looked like a year ten student. He couldn't believe Claire actually thought that.

Claire was trying hard not to snicker. She was so goddamn sure that he was two years younger. Or that atleast he was younger.

"You sure are short for a Seventeen year old." Claire said, looking at Sean warily.

"I am not! You're just tall! "

"Oh wait, that's why you were messing around with that Leo guy morning." She narrowed her eyes at him. "How dare you?!"

"Look. I share a class with him. And I was not hurting him too. He was simply panicking when I accidentally pushed him. But then thought it was fun."

"What is wrong with you?" She slapped her forehead. "Can you not do that again?"

"Well, can't promise that. It was fun. Also you did embarrass me in front of the whole school!" And as if to prove his point, he threw his hands up in the air.

"You deserved it, bastard." She mumbled.

"You think that? I wasn't even hurting him." He huffed. "That shit was over reacting."

"Piss off."

"sure, I will. But let me have my time with the loser on the trip." He said and Claire could hear the smirk in his voice. Loud and clear.

"You dumbheaded foolish dimwit dork,"

"Well, fuck you too. I'm leaving."

Claire just wanted to crush that tiny asshole of a Tinkerbell into pieces. But all she did was give a fuxking eye roll and without replying, started walking towards the parking lot, where she had parked her car.

She watched as Sean walked towards the streets, certainly upset that he had been kicked out. But that was just the coach for ya.

She even noticed the look of satisfaction on his face. And she hated it.

But she got that one reason she needed to confirm whether she was going or not. And yes, she was going now.

She had her own smirk on her face.

"Gonna be fun."



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