Alternate Ending [extra/bonus chapter]

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He kept staring at the door, until the knob turned and a head popped out.

"Yes-? Oh, Lucas!"

Lucas so wished Claire carried this enthusiasm with her everytime she saw him. Disappointingly, it was Chandler who had opened the door. And now, he had opened it wide, "Hop in!"

Lucas looked down at his boots. "No, it's alright. Can you get Claire to come out? I-if you don't mind?" He muttered, the flowers almost squished between his arms and his chest.

"Surely. But it's cold, why don't you come in-?"


Chandler just nodded blankly, and stepped back to go get his cousin out, not before eyeing the roses and smiling softly.

Lucas felt like he looked desperate, as if he was trying extremely hard, which he was, and everyone noticed expect Claire. Would she like his presence? Would she like to spend Christmas with him every year until one of them takes a leave? Would Claire be proud of his confession and confidence?

He had no clue about it at all.

Yes, he was here to confess. And it was eating him up, through it wasn't the first time.

He would make it official this time. He would make sure that everyone knows who he wants to spend his future with


His head shot up to look at the owner of the soft whisper, and found himself standing in front of Claire. All she did was step out into the cold and close the door behind her. His throat went dry.


"Why are you here?" She asked. "You look cold." And she dusted off the snow from his shoulders and took off her own warm jacket to wrap it around the shaking boy. "Who asked you to get out of your house? You'll fall sick, and we don't want that now on Christmas, do we?"

He lowered his gaze. "I brought you flowers." He mumbled, before extending his hands and handing it over to her, to which she just stared. "Merry Christmas."

".. Merry Christmas." She said, but made no move to accept the roses.

"T-The flowers?" His eyes turned doey, a little wet and hurt that she didn't accept them.

She gulped. "Why?" She breathed. "Why did you buy me flowers?"

He wanted to stab himself with a spear and dig his own grave. How embarrassing.

"Because it's Christmas-" he started, but he went quiet. "Actually, I'm here to confess. And I don't care that you won't take the flowers."

He dropped the roses next to his feet, like blood stains on white marble.

"We've been through this." She stated, looking away, not even a single expression showing up on her bland face.

"I'm here because I realised... I.. I came to ask you .. about.." and how he wished someone else could speak for him, where the words wouldn't be crumbling in his throat under the pressure. He gripped his long sleeved jacket in his fists tightly. "I want you to be- m-my--"

"Would you like to come in?" She asked, already knowing what's to come.

"No." He shook his head. "I want to do it here."

"Okay." She just stared, dull gaze on his bloodshot eyes.

"I don't know what's been going on. Honestly, the worst part of our relationship is that we aren't even in a relationship."

Claire looked at him as his ears turned red. She smiled softly. "And what about it?"

"I'm beat." Lucas sighed. "Nothing's working out. My dad hates you." He shook his head vigorously, and then looked up at her with glimmering eyes. "But this is not the end."

For the first time in a while, Claire felt intimidated by him. She gulped, following his movements. "Then?"

It was safe to say that her head was spinning in excitement.

"This is definitely not the end. I will show my dad that I'm my own person." Lucas did not hesitate to take her hands into his, and stood there, not breaking the eye contact. "Please, go out with me."

Claire held her breath and a gasp slipped out as he pushed her against the door.


"Your answer?"

Centimetres apart, nothing could stop the blush creeping up Claire's face that day.

"O-Okay" she looked down.

"What? I couldn't hear it." He furrowed his eyebrows. "What happened to the big bad wolf?"

She snapped her head up, eyes narrowing. She wasn't going to let this slide, and Lucas knew that the moment he saw her face. She flipped them around, and pinned him against the door.

"The big bad wolf is hungry as fuck."

He gulped. "H-Hungry?" He choked. "I'm-"

"Yes." She cut him off.


"Yes, I'll go out with you."

A small grin etched on his face. "And what about my dad?"

"He can fuck himself for all I care." Claire planted a kiss on his lips and moved back. "I will do as I wish from now on." She kissed him again. "Even if I end up in prison." She kissed him again and again. "Will you wait for me?"

He was a rotten tomato under her all kisses, barely keeping himself up on his legs if it wasn't for the door he was pinned against.

"Prison? I'll wait for you even in afterlife. I'll wait for you."

Lucas had never seen Claire smile that big.

And in the Cooper's house that day, they invited Claire's date with delight and had cake for Christmas. All Lucas could do was smile the whole time.


This was the end of alternating end for you guys!! I'm sorry the original plot isn't this way :(

Thank you for 800k+ reads. I Iove you guys sm.🥺

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