Chapter 6 (Four Fathers and One mother)

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Daiki's Point of View

It's been 2 years ever since they welcomed me back home. We all live together in one mansion that the four bought.

Seeing myself with the fourof them along with baby Shori... it's like a dream that I thought that would never happen to me since being an omega is a curse.

"Kaa-chan! *sob* Kaa-chan!" I heard Shori crying while the four 'fools' are playing with him.

"Woah! He's crying! He looks even cuter now!" Hikaru said in amusement.

"Look here Baby Shori! Papa Ryo is going to get a picture!" Ryosuke said.

"I'll hold him!" Yuya said.

"Look here Baby Shori! Look at the toys Papa Kou is holding!" Yabu said.

Instead of being happy, Shori continue on crying. It's get louder and louder.

"KAA-CHAN!" I heard him cry my name again. But this time, I obey my little angel.

"Hai! Hai!" I gently snatch him away from Yuya and carry him.

"Kaa-chan is here stop crying now" I feel two small arms hug me tightly.

"Kaa-chan *sob*..."

"What's the problem?"

"Pa... tea... Sh... ri... ba..."
(Papas, teasing Shori. Bad)

"Eh? They are? Ah... they're bad, you say?"

And Shori nods.

"They just want to play with Shori. Don't worry, they'll say 'gomennasai', right?" I asked them.

"Gomennasai!" They say in chorus.

"Oi! Buta! Why are you crying?" Yuya asked." Well, I can't understand what they're talking about... but they look so cute!" Ryosuke said while sobbing.

"Pu... Sh... ri... do... Kaa-chan"
(Put Shori down Kaa-chan)

And I obey. Somehow, in this house, only I can understand what Shori is talking about.

Shori crawls slowly towards Ryosuke.

When Ryosuke noticed that Shori is tapping his foot, He sat down and asked.

"What's wrong Shori?"

"Pa.. Ryo.. dun't cry... big... boy"
(Papa Ryo, dun't cry... Big boy)

Ryosuke hugs him tightly.

"Even though, I can't understand what you're saying -except the dun't cry- You're so cute!"

Just then I noticed the other three cry too.

"Baby Shori! Papa Hika is crying too"

Shori slowly crawls to Hikaru and pat his head.

"Me too!" Yuya said.

Shori then crawls to Yuya and put their foreheads together.

"How about me?" Yabu asked.

Shori crawls to Yabu and kiss his cheeks.

It seems that the others are jealous about that.

"I'm so jealous!" Hikaru said.

"Jaa. I'll just kiss Kaa-chan" Hikaru suddenly kissed me on lips and I blush hard.

I heard Shori cried loudly again.

"Kaa-chan! No! Only... Shori! Kiss... Kaa-chan... only Shori!"

Just then I feel two more kisse on my lips.

"NO!!!" Shori cried again.

"But, I thought Shori love Papa Kou?" Yabu asked with a pout.

Shori then kiss Yabu's lips and said.



"He spoke straight for the first time!" Hikaru said happily.

"Did you get that on cam?!" Yuya elbowed Ryosuke.

"Of course!" Ryosuke shout.

Shori run towards me.

"Kiss! Kaa-chan! Kiss!" He shout.


I kiss him on his forehead, cheeks, nose and lips.

I see Shori blush and hide behind a small chair.

"What's the problem Shori?" I asked.

"Kaa-chan! So... Cute! Pre.. ty!
(Kaa-chan! So cute! And pretty!)

He said.

"On cam!" Ryosuke said.

"Somehow, I thinks, Baby Shori will be an actor when he grows up" Yuya said.

"Model first!" Hikaru said.

"Like me?!" Ryosuke grin.

"Yeah yeah" Yabu agree lazily. "But he got my looks" he added.

"Your looks? It's mine!" Yuya said.

"It's surely mine guys!" Hikaru shout.

"No... he won't be able to be a model without my looks right?" Ryosuke proudly said.

"Ah... please stop-" I wasn't able to continue my words when.

"Stoppu! Bad... Papas! No... Figh... to!" Shori shout.

"He spoke english!" I shout.

I hugged him and hold his hands.

"Baby Shori is so cute! Good baby!" I said.

And I noticed the four 'fools' stare at us with a happy face.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked and open my arms. And they hug us.


Wahhh!! Baby Shori is so adorable! I dont want him to become a big boy soon! I dunt wanna... but he needs to!

Thanks for reading another trash chapter

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