Chapter 4 🌙

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I curse at myself as I begin running towards the rest of my team. That spar with Shinji definitely held out to its purpose.

Stalling me!

"I'm back." I curtly say as I easily match up speed with Sakura and Kakashi, Naruto running ahead of us obviously in a hurry.

"Thank goodness Haru you're here!" Sakura sighs, she narrows her eyes at the cuts on my arms. "You're injured." She tells herself, slightly slowing down thinking I would too.

I glance back at her as I keep my pace going. "Why are you slowing down?" I ask with an arched brow. She looks at the blood dripping from the cuts in worry. "It would be better if I treated your wounds now instead of later, when we get into battle I don't want you to go in already hurt." She explains.

Naruto looks back at me and frowns "yeah Haru I thought you said he wouldn't hurt you!" He exclaims, a look of slight anger on his face.

I shake my head at my two team members. "Oh there's so much you two have to learn about me." I mutter earning Kakashi sensei's attention.

"What do you mean Haru?" Sakura asks, still eyeing my wounds wearily. I sigh and smile lightly at their confused faces. I quickly hold up a hand sign "Kesshō" I quietly murmur. The blood that was once liquid then solidifies in mid air and turns into sharp kunai like figures. I grab the kunai which is now made out of crystal and show it to my team, who all look like I just preformed some voodoo magic.

"What? It's called kekkei genkai." I say, looking at them weirdly. "You've learnt how to manipulate blood?" Kakashi sensei asks, looking at me jut as surprised as the other two. I shake my head at him. "No not really, I can just. . . Turn things into crystal, blood included." I explain.

Kakashi nods "Yuudai sensei was able to do the same, it's a good thing you've learned Haru." Kakashi sensei compliments, myself nodding in response.

We continue running at our original speed after the minor revelation and I quickly realize that Naruto is running way too fast, so much that it causes a strain in the group's pace.

"Naruto we know you're in a hurry but remember don't disrupt the unit." Sakura says noticing Naruto pacing much faster than the rest of us.

"But, But!"

"Don't loose your cool, remember what master Jiraiya told to not do that." Kakashi sensei orders, I look at him from the side of my eye and frown slightly. 

"I'm sure he's just worried for Gaara, don't worry Naru we'll get there in time and help." I say pushing myself a bit so I can run next to him.

Naruto looks at me, almost startled by my presence and choice of words. He then smiles widely to which I arch a brow. "Hey you called me Naru!"

My eyes widen slightly and I awkwardly look away "What? What's so surprising about that?" I ask narrowing my eyes slightly. Naruto smiles cheekily but looks away from my defensive self. "There's nothing wrong! I just missed having you call me that!"

My jaw drops slightly and  look away stubbornly with tinted cheeks "s-shut up!" I then sigh and think yet again about my blonde teammate, poor Naruto. He probably feels closer to Gaara since they're both jinchuriki, this must be eating Naruto alive.

Sakura then runs up next to me and furrows her eyebrows. "Eh? Is that temari?" My eyes narrow and I look down to where Sakura's attention is. "Temari!" She exclaims before jumping down from the tree's, myself and the rest of the team following shortly after.

Said blonde turns around, rather surprised by our appearance. "Haru is that you?" She asks, eyes widening at the sight of myself. I cross my arms over my chest and mumble a quiet "Yeah"

Legacy of a Senju (Sequel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя