Chapter 31 🌙

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"I can't believe they still don't understand what they've done to you all these years." Shinji complains as we stroll along the forestry trail.

I shrug at him "if I were you I wouldn't bother, I'm probably dead to them now anyways." I say, rolling my eyes at the thought of team seven.

"Do you even miss them at all?" He asks, now frowning at me.

"Nope." I bluntly say, and it's the truth. I genuinely don't miss them. Sure, there are memories that I'll cherish but it's with each member individually.

Naruto and I were best friends before team seven, and we were super close. I'll miss little things between us, like how we use to celebrate our birthdays together. Or how he would be too scared to wake me up for school sometimes. Or when I woke up before him so I made pancakes for the two of us, but he wouldn't wake up so I'd just eat it all myself. Sadly, the way he acted while we were all in a team will forever annoy the crap out of me.

Sakura and I never really got along. I remember being kinda scared that I would be the only girl in team seven, then I felt so relieved when Sakura was introduced in the team. I felt like I️ would have a friend who I could relate to a bit more. Boy was I wrong, she was pissed that there was another girl in the group. Our memories together aren't really the best. . . Yeah I don't miss her at all.

Kakashi is a little harder to explain. Kakashi was like a big brother to me in some ways, counseling me whenever I was stressed out and always playing around with me. But I can't deny how much of a sucky sensei he was to me. He definitely favored Sasuke, and never really tried to include me on team missions. I understand that it was under the hokage's orders but. . . Still. So I do miss the times when he would ruffle my hair and scold me about boys but being his student really ruined a lot of that for me.

Then Sasuke's a special case. I basically grew up with him. His mom took care of me, his brother took care of me, his dad even hugged me once and I remember being super excited about it since he was a big grumpy pants. When the uchiha massacre happened Sasuke pushed me away entirely which made me falsely hate him throughout the course of our team.

Then of course I somehow ended up dating him and I don't know if I miss him or not..... he's complicated.

"So we're gonna see lover boy what are you gonna do?" Shinji asks making me smack his arm. "Stop calling him that!" I whine, annoyed with his constant teasing. "What? I'm just excited to see my future brother in law!"

I roll my eyes at this "We broke up you know."

"I'm well aware, but you know Uchiha's are kinda obsessive so you two are probably getting back together." He states to which I scoff. "No, we're not."

"Mhmm SURE." He sassily says making me groan in annoyance. "I'm serious we're not! We're done. Never again." I strictly say, waving my hands around. Shinji sends me a look and I look at him weirdly "Why do you say that?" He asks, to which I sigh. "I'm in the akatsuki, the same organization that his brother is in. If you didn't get the memo he wants to kill his brother and is going down a rather insane path. When he sees me in akatsuki cloak I bet he'll be pissed." I logically reason.

It's true, Sasuke would probably force me to tell him where Itachi is, but I'm not ratting Itachi out. No way. Shinji stares at me for a moment before making a bunch of hand signs.

"We're getting closer." Shinji mutters as he holds one hand over his eye. He's currently using the raven eye technique where a bird flies somewhere and Shinji sees whatever the bird does through one eye.

That Jutsu really tripped me out when I first used it.

"Let me summon Isamu then." I say, taking off my glove and using a kunai to prick my finger. The blood drips down my hand and I smear it across my Senju Tattoo. "Summoning jutsu!" I slam my ungloved hand on the floor and watch as a huge puff of smoke appears.

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