Act III: New Ground

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I received a text message saying, "Leo: Hi Mel, my house isn't far from yours so I'll come pick you up at 8. P.S. wear blue." I read the text while I was having my lunch and blushed. This was like a date, him picking me up. Wait, picking me up? I think he mis-typed that. He doesn't have any sort of ride except his old bicycle. Oh well, maybe I'll pretend that he does for his satisfaction.

Blue? I only have one blue thing apart from T-shirts and that is a jacket he bought me recently. Does he want me to buy new clothes? Damn him, I can't read this Leo. I decided to buy something blue after work when I got another text from Jasper saying "J: I have stuff to do today so I'll see you tomorrow my love. Don't miss me too much. P.S. if you're going shopping get me a cool t shirt! And maybe a bandana." I see, so he wanted to play like this. And what's with the bandana? Is there something that he isn't telling me?

I left work and went to buy a blue attire. I know that his favourite colour is blue but how would that look on me? The jacket he bought me is beautiful and is the only piece of clothing I own in blue, but I wasn't sure of anything else. Sigh, shopping...

I found a yellow bandana with blue graphics on it of a lion. This was perfect for him! I also found a lion king T-shirt and decided to annoy him with that. The dress shopping took a while because I couldn't find anything suitable for me. I happened to look at the skirts section when I saw a Scottish skirt in blue. I loved the pattern so I decided to buy it. I found a light blue shirt to go with the skirt and decided to become a high schooler for the day, with the long socks as well. Boy will he be surprised!

It was already dark when I got home. I took a shower and got ready just as he rang the door bell. I greeted him and he looked like he wanted me then and there. He was wearing his rock jeans again with another T-shirt. But he was wearing a leather jacket on top. He looked really good. I had never before seen him in leather. I grabbed my favorite blue jacket and left my house. I was shocked to find him on a blue motorbike. So he didn't mistype that message...

I went to the bike and he gave me a hand to get on the bike. He even gave me a helmet. How sweet of him. Then, we rode towards his house. I couldn't believe how amazing it was to be on the bike with him. It was getting a little chilly so I put my arms around him and snuggled in close. He smelled so nice. I really wanted to touch his skin then so I absentmindedly kissed his bare neck. He stiffened for a second and I was glad that we had stopped at the traffic signal when I did that. We reached his place and he helped me get off the bike as well. We entered his house and I could smell lavender I think. He had dimmed all the lights so I couldn't see very well. He took the helmet from my hand and placed it down somewhere. He then led me by the hand to the bedroom. So he was very eager today huh? I said, "Leo, your place is really nice. I like the fragrance you chose."

He didn't seem to be listening to me as he took off his shoes and then his jacket. He tossed them nearby and came towards me. He said, " I chose the fragrance thinking of you. Won't you take your jacket off?"

My face went red and I was happy that the lights were dimmed. I unbuttoned my jacket and put it on a chair. I was about to say something when he pulled me towards him. He put his arms around my waist and locked his hands. I was growing more and more red while my heart rate was starting to increase. The fragrance was not helping me to calm down sadly and I turned my face away so that I wouldn't have to face him head on. He surprised me by saying, "You really are a naughty girl you know. Kissing me unaware in public, as if you didn't know how horny that would make me. Wearing such clothes in front of me, either you're really stupid or really manipulative. I guess I'll find out tonight."

He was leaning in towards me but I didn't want to kiss him just yet. I was too embarrassed. He came close anyway and started kissing my neck. I guess that he was waiting for me to get used to him straight away. Well, that is what sex friends do anyway. I snapped into the 'Melina' role and put my arms around his neck. He unwrapped his arms and started to unbutton my shirt. He was taking the lead again. I wanted to lead this time but, I felt like I couldn't, I felt weak around him. I suddenly realized the effort I had put into buying the clothes I was now wearing and pushed him away a little, while saying, "Today, I'll be the high school girl that seduces the university student." He laughed a little and said, "As if I would ever fall for a high schooler! I mean, as if I would ever try a high schooler, I mean, I guess I would..."

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