Act IV: The Threat

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"Mel: I'm free tomorrow night, come over for some playtme after 9. P.S. eat well and come, we'll be up for long.'

I was glad that today was a Friday. We finally had the weekend upon us. I went to class with excitement in my heart. I couldn't believe the events that had taken place yesterday in Jasper's bedroom. I couldn't believe what I had done and said either. In hindsight, all of it was quite embarrassing for me. I was glad that only he was there to hear me. I was turning red while thinking about this so I wanted to take my mind off of him. My class had just started thankfully so I snapped out of my train of thought and started listening to the lecture. It was then that I got handed a note. I opened it to read "Fun night last night? ;) "

My heart stopped, we had been seen together yesterday,. I turned to find the writer of the note, it was my friend Talisa. She smiled at me evilly. I knew that she would want the full details. I decided right then in my head that we wouldn't let anyone know our double relationship. Even if I had been caught, I didn't want him to be. The problem was, was I seen with him or not?

I arranged stories in my head depending on her responses. If she had seen me with Jasper, that would be alright I guess, but if she noticed how we were dressed it would be a problem. She knew Jasper as a kind sweet darling, and that did not show last night. I prayed hard to all the gods I knew but then stopped, this was my responsibility, I should have thought about this when I proposed the idea to Jasper, this was now up to me to pull this off. I waited for class to get over and then walked out. Talisa came close behind me, I told her to meet me for lunch and headed off to my next class. I went over my scenarios again and again, they say the simpler the lie, the easier it is to believe, and I love concocting stories anyway, I had put my imagination to the test today. She would be the examiner today, lets see what grade I got.

I saw her waiting at the cafeteria when I finished class. I walked to her table and pulled a chair to sit down when she said "You're treating me right? After a night like yesterday I bet you're a different woman" She winked in the last part and I got the hint.

I sat down and said "Alright, what did you see?"

She looked at me and said "Hah! I knew it! I was right! I knew it the moment I saw you walking down the street in your favorite blue jacket!"

Yes! I thought to myself, she saw me this morning, that makes it easier. I simply told her, "Yes, I slept in a man's room last night"

She was ecstatic to know who it was I bet, thankfully she didn't know where Jaz lived, I guess we should start meeting somewhere else now. But, actually, he could act as Leo from his house, and then be no, that would be too demanding for him. We'll just meet carefully next time.

She was so excited and ordered the biggest combo to eat. I guess that we were going to talk for long considering she was such a slow eater.

I told her that this guy named Leo and I were in an explicit relationship. And that I met him a few days ago. She wasn't really interested in the how we met story thankfully so I gave her the details she wanted to know. She watched in anticipation and was almost in tears when it was over. She hugged me tight and said " I'm so happy for you Kiana, just so happy!"

I was glad that she was satisfied with what I told her. That was when Jasper had to call me. I picked up the phone trying to act normal when all I could think about was last night. He had just called to ask me where I was eating lunch when I said "I just finished lunch with Talisa, I'll catch you later ok?" He seemed a bit taken aback and confused. I felt sorry for him but didn't let it show. We bade goodbye and I was faced with Talisa and her expectant eyes. She asked me, "So, what about Jasper, does he know?" I was a bit confused with her question but I answered her "No". better to lie intentionally than accidentally let her know. Though, in a sense, I didn't lie at all, I just told her I slept with Leo, she didn't have to know who Leo was in reality. And Leo and Jasper didn't know each other in that reality. That was our little secret afer all.

AliasOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora