Act VII : The Last Stand

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I didn't notice him standing there until he had come a bit closer. He kept a little distance from me and walked to my side. He said nothing except "Hi.". He didn't even look towards me. His eyes seemed pre-occupied with Jasper's intense look directed towards him. Jasper took a few seconds to come towards me and as soon as he did, he took my hand and pulled me towards him.

Nicholas was a bit taken aback and simply said "I won't do anything, don't worry. I just wanted to talk to the both of you". He looked down as he added "I wanted to do that separately though but no matter". Nicholas did live close by and I had seen him a few times in this park but I had never spoken with him. This, on the other hand, felt like a confrontation of sorts.

I was wondering what he wanted to say when Jasper said "There is nothing that we want to talk with you about". He got a little offensive with that statement. I guess that he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

I moved towards Nicholas and tried to be a little mature when he shut me off with "I don't want to talk with you right now, you're going to just justify his actions, despite them being ridiculous. He got you into this whole affair didn't he? Going out with others while being in love with each other? How coul-"

I interrupted him and said "Actually, it was my idea. I told him about it". It was then that Jasper added "You don't know the details of our relationship, and you're only saying all of this because you want to be a part of this don't you?".

Nicholas was a bit flustered with what I said but he went into defensive mode as soon as Jasper spoke. "I just want her to be happy, and this cannot be making her happy! The four of you can't be happy for long, the very fact that she suggested it means that she wanted more than you, she isn't satisfied with you".

I was getting angry, I raised my voice "Nicholas. you don't know anything about our relationship. I have never been happier! If anything, both you and Talisa are the ones who are adding stress to our relationship, just back off! Even if you are thinking about my happiness you aren't considering how I really feel. And I could never feel that way about you. I chose Jasper and Leo, it's not that I had no choice, both of them were my choice!"

Nicholas was quiet. I felt like he might have gotten a little sad there. He suddenly recovered and just looked at Jasper with what I think was hatred. He said "I still think that you don't deserve her. I saw it yesterday, you can't kiss someone like that unless you have feelings for them". He walked away then. I looked at Jasper and he looked sad. I turned towards him and was about to take his hand when he backed away from me a little. I was a bit surprised. He was hurting about something and I wasn't able to help him, I might have been the reason for it actually. I just waited for him to tell me but he didn't. I went to the ice-cream kart and got his favourite flavour, pistachio and gave it to him. He took it and then, refusing to meet my eyes, looked around the park and then started walking towards a nearby bench. I followed him and sat down next to him. I got myself his favorite as well, in case he wanted more. We both started eating our ice-cream in an uncomfortable silence.

After a few minutes, he finally spoke "This all started because I couldn't control my desires. If I could, we would be a normal relationship and I wouldn't feel like this. I feel like I've broken you. And that we'll never be the same again. And I asked so much more of you this morning as well, I don't want to ask for so much, I keep thinking about myself and not about you. He was right, I should have given it more thought before, I don't deserve you. We should stop this."

I finally understood what was bothering him. I took a breath and said "Jasper, we decided to get into this because the both of us needed an outlet for our desires. It was never just you, I also want a lot from you and I had been afraid to ask so much of you, but with Melina, I can. Sure, it will take us some time to get to that level with you and I but aren't Leo and Melina happy? They are exactly who they want to be and satisfied with it, they ask for what they want, when they want it. We just haven't reached that level yet. It was easy for them because they knew what they were expecting and what was expected of them. We don't know what to expect from our relationship right here and that's fine, we won't always know what to do. But, at least one part of our relationship is clear. We'll grow into the rest, don't worry about it."

He hadn't touched his ice-cream since he spoken and when I finished speaking, he turned towards me and suddenly kissed me. He then smiled and said "You're my favourite as well". By then he had taken my ice-cream from my hands and gotten up. I was so surprised, he started eating my ice-cream and that's when I tried to grab it from him, he dodged and backed away. He quickly flipped my ice-cream onto his and ate my cone. I was going to get annoyed and run at him when he stretched out his hand towards me and said "Now we can share". I smiled and ran towards him, I took his hand. We walked back to my place while sharing the ice cream. He smiled at me whenever our eyes met. His smile is his most precious gift to me, I wonder if he knows that.

They lived happily, at least I hope so.


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