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I woke up around five thirty and stretched my limbs like a cat would. I rolled over onto my stomach and hugged my warm pillow to my face, forcing myself to go back to sleep. But I couldn't help it, I'm an early riser.

I got out of bed, nearly startling myself when I saw my reflection in the mirror. My hair was everywhere. I patted it down as best as I could but I could never really tame those wild curls of mine. I tiptoed out of my room and into Jordan's. I almost tripped over the matrass on the floor at the foot of his bed where Tristan was snoring away. He always slept like the dead, a murderer could come in and slaughter us all and he wouldn't have noticed a thing.

I walked over to Jordan and shook his bare shoulder. I never understood how he didn't get cold sleeping shirtless. It's like he was a living furnace or he constantly had a fever.

"Jordan," I whispered.

"Mhmm," he moaned, burying his head deeper into his pillow.

"Wake up."

He flipped over onto his back and squinted one eye open. "What time is it?" He blindly reached for his phone on the bedside table and groaned when he saw the time. "Jade, go back to sleep."

"But you said to wake you up," I pointed out, still keeping my voice down.

"Yes, at six o'clock. It's five thirty." He yawned and pulled the covers back up over his shoulders. "Go to bed, baby."

"I'm not tired." I knocked my knees against the side of his bed, kinda bored that no one was awake to hang out with.

Jordan's arm suddenly poked out from under the sheets to circle my waist and before I knew what was happening, he forced me in bed, trapping me in his hold.

"Hey, I said I wasn't tired," I whined, trying to move away but his giant and heavy arms kept me still.

"I know, but I am, so close your eyes and shut up," he grunted.

I sighed and drummed my fingers against his arm on my stomach. I felt him breathe against my head and I wondered if I should warn him because he could suffocate if he buried his head any deeper into my hair. I was counting to hundred in my head but I lost count after fifty two because I then got distracted counting Tristan's snores.

Well this was even more boring. I tried to close my eyes, I tried to go back to sleep, I really did but I just wasn't tired anymore. I ran my hands over Jordan's forearm and occasionally pulled at the hairs but then he pinched my side and I stopped.

I wriggled my feet and I realized I had taken off my socks in my sleep so they were probably still in my bed. I followed Jordan's warmth and wriggled my cold toes against his warm legs.

"Jade," he growled.

"Sorry," I quickly said but I didn't move my feet. I was cold and he was warm so yeah.

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