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She's looking at me. Oh my god, she's looking at me. I want to look away but I mean she's looking at me. Why does she keep staring at me? Is she planning on how to murder me? Or maybe there's just something on my face ... Come on, just stop looking at me please.

"Angela's looking at you," Lauren whispered into my ear.

"Uhu." I was very well aware of that.

"Oh shit, she's coming for you," Kylie mumbled under her breath.

"Let's run," Sophie suggested.

But I couldn't move, I was nailed to the ground as I watched Angela taking steady steps towards us. I hated how she could put this mask on, hiding her thoughts, her true intentions. Is she going to punch me or hug me? I couldn't tell. I could never tell with Angela.

"Girls," she greeted but her eyes were fixed on me. "Jade."

I gulped. "Angela."

She brushed some hair out of her face and I noticed that she had a haircut. It suited her but I wasn't going to say that to her face.

"It's good to be back," she said.

"It's good to have you back ... ?" Oh man, I'm the worst liar ever.

Angela suddenly dropped her backpack and I tensed up. Even the girls behind me took a step back.

Angela looked at us, an amused smile breaking on her face. "Relax, you chickens."

We watched her like a hawk as she fumbled in her bag, taking out a small little box.

"This is for you," she said, handing it to me.

I eyed the box skeptically.

Lauren's hair tickled my cheek as she whispered in my ear again. "Don't take it, remember your lunch box last year?"

Oh I will never forget that. Angela thought it was funny to steal my lunchbox, throw away my lunch and replace it with a bunch of cockroaches. It was safe to say that I almost died of a heart attack. I never asked where she got those cockroaches, I think it's best if we don't know.

Angela rolled her eyes as she opened the box. "It's just cupcakes, jeez."

"Oh, thanks."

When I still didn't accept the box, she shoved it into my hands. "It's a peace offering, you know, after I almost broke your nose."

Oh yeah, I remember that.

"You look better though, so no hard feelings?"

I shook my head. "I already told you, Angela. I don't wanna be friends anymore."

She clenched her teeth and I thought she was gonna explode, but to my surprise she actually managed to stay calm. Wow, those therapy sessions payed off.

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