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A/N: Oh. My. God. Over 100k reads. I am crying.

Thank you so fucking much.


I was speechless.

My jaw dropped as I took in the house in front of me - correction, mansion would be a more appropriate word to describe it. I threw my head back and I couldn't even spot the roof, this place was huge. I never felt this small before. Two fancy cars were parked on the driveway and I could only imagine an entire collection behind those garage doors. The lawn was perfectly manicured, decorated with flowers I'd never seen before in my life. There was a fountain so big I bet you could swim in it. Everything looked so clean and so pristine and ... expensive. And that was just the exterior.

"Whoa." Lauren whistled, equally impressed.

"I know."

"Dude, your dad is loaded."

"You sure we got the right address?" I wondered out loud, fetching the piece of paper my mom had given me.

Lauren looked over my shoulder to check too. "Yup, this is it. I bet that gate is worth more than our houses combined."

I felt a pang in my heart at the wealth oozing from this place while my own brothers had to work their asses off to put food on our table. A little part of me tugged at my conscience, reminding me that this man wasn't part of our lives anymore, not when he made the decision to walk out on us. I didn't want a single thing from him even though he owed us so much, especially Noah and I.

"You ready?"

I looked at Lauren, nervously chewing on my bottom lip. "No."

She squeezed my shoulder and offered me a smile. "We didn't come all this way for nothing. Maybe you'll finally get the answers you've always wanted."

My mind was plagued with second thoughts and I was torn between knocking on that door and getting the hell out of here.

"What if this is a bad idea. What if Noah was right? What if you're right? He could be a drug lord or something. Maybe he works with the mafia, I mean look at this house. Only criminals live like this."

She raised a questioning eyebrow. "Says who?"

"Do you even watch tv, Lauren? These documentaries are everywhere. Believe me, he's either a serial killer or a mobster."

"Jade, just ring the bell already. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we'll get back to the sleepover and no one will suspect anything."

"I changed my mind. Come on." I grabbed her hand and started pulling her away.

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