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Chapter 02

- Ace King -

I didn't like him the first time we encountered, and now, I hate him. All I wanted to do was get out of my chair and beat the shit out of him when he kept glancing at Mia.

I know he's new and doesn't know the rules, but he should know that Mia is off-limits. I've made sure everyone knew who she was taken by, and people should've told him by now who the person was.

Mia is under the influence that I think of her as a little sister, but to me, she's much more than that. I know I should tell her how I feel, but I want her to realize that I like her too.

She's oblivious when it comes to romance outside of the novels she reads. She reads so much romance novels that she can't tell if someone is being friendly to her, or flirting with her.

And I fucking hate how guys take advantage of that. I've had to punch a few guys because of how oblivious she is.

But somehow, I find it cute.

I liked everything about her. Every single flaw she saw, I saw perfection. I don't understand why she always doubted the way she looked or how she compared herself to others. She's already the perfect the way she is, and the most beautiful person that anyone will meet. She's everything to me, and I don't want anyone to take her away from me.

She's mine, and I don't like sharing. I've always hated sharing, even as a kid.

So when school ended, I made sure that Jacob didn't approach Mia. I dragged her outside of the school before he had a chance.

That fucker better know the rules I set upon the school tomorrow, or else there will be consequences for him.

Mia asked what was wrong, but like always, I lied and said it was nothing. She knew I was lying but never asked further questions since almost everything annoys me. Mia understands me like no one ever has.

Throughout the years, she learned how to handle my stubbornness, the bad attitude I still have, and most importantly, the short temper problem I've always had. I get pissed off easily, but somehow, Mia always manages to calm me down before I break something.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mia's phone started to ring. Taking it, she brought it to her ear before pulling it away as if it just shocked her.


"Turn off the speaker," I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

"It's not on speaker..."

There was a moment of silence before we both started to laugh.

"SHUT UP AND JUST COME TO MY HOUSE!" Sarah yelled before the call ended. Mia looked at me with a sad smile. Damn, all I wanted was to go home. But no, the world just had to be against me today.

When we arrived, Sarah was already running out the front door. Before Mia could say anything, her door opened before Sarah grabbed her arm.

"I'm gonna borrow your girlfriend for a second! It won't take too long!

Sarah pulled her out of the car and dragged her into the house before the door was slammed behind them.

Well, alright then.

As I waited for Mia and Sarah to finish whatever girl shit they needed to sort out, I check my social media for anything interesting to watch or see.

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