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Chapter 30

- Mia White -

"When I get out of here, I'm going to make sure Mr Summer goes to prison," I muttered.

"Ce stupide bâtard pense qu'il peut s'en tirer avec tout ça? Il pense qu'il peut juste nous enfermer ici et se moquer de nous? Une fois en prison, nous verrons qui rira à la fin."

"Is she speaking French?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah. When she starts rambling in a different language, that's when you know not to mess with her."

I glared at Ben and he raised his hands up in surrender.

It's been three days. Three freakin' days! The only time we see another human being is when they give us our crappy food. And it's super awkward and embarrassing if one of us needs to use the bathroom.

I needed to get out of here, or else I'll slap someone. Ben has offered to be the person I slap for some strange reason, saying it would be funny. So I did, and the next thing I know, he's sitting in a corner mumbling how mean I was.

My mind would always go back to how Ace is doing. Is he okay? Have they hurt him? I haven't even heard from Levi or his friends yet. What if something happened to them?

Ugh, so many stupid unanswered questions I begged to know.

If my prediction - that Mr Summer secretly has another business - is right, then that would break the contract. All I needed was to get out and cause something to make Mr Summer look the guilty man he is. The cameras Ben set up would be a perfect way to get the evidence. I told Ben and Jacob about what my prediction two days ago, and they seemed to like the plan.

Well, half of the plan at least. We still need to find a way to get out of here.

"Can't you guys use your gun to get someone's attention?" Jacob asked.

"We want them to think that we're weaponless," I explained. "And what if we get the wrong person's attention?"

"Besides," Ben smiled. "We're saving our bullets for something else."

I rolled my eyes just as Jacob chuckled. We all chatted for a bit, trying to lighten the mood, but then silence soon dominated over us.

Another hour passed before we heard familiar voices yelling with the voices of the people who I assume work for Mr Summer.

The small slide opened to reveal the familiar eyes of Levi. "You guys okay?"

"No! Now open this damn door!" Ben cried.

Because Mr Summer had the key, Levi said that he'd have to pick the lock. It took a while before he managed to unlock the door, setting Jacob, Ben and I free.

When I saw what happened outside, I was surprised to see the man who said that I would be in trouble - along with a few other men - pinned to the ground by Levi and Ben's friends. His eyes landed on me as he tried to struggle free.

"Look who's going to be in trouble now?" I chuckled.

"Bitch," he spat.

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