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Chapter 26

- Mia White -

"It's been five hours," I groaned, glancing at the clock. "They should've been back by now."

Jacob and Sarah had already left to go home (since their parents were getting worried), wishing us luck that Ace and Levi would hopefully arrive. So now, I'm sitting alone on the couch, with Ben in the kitchen trying to find something to eat.

Ben told me not to worry, but I couldn't help but do just that. What if something happened to them?

On the other hand, Ben seemed to have complete and utter faith that they'd be back. I did as well, but I was the kind of person who'd always worried. When we were younger, Ben would call me the 'worry bug' and always tease me when I would question the simplest things.

I looked at the clock again before glancing at the door.

I averted my eyes from the door when I heard Ben cry triumphantly. My eyebrows knitted together, and I stood up to walk to the kitchen.

When I entered, I saw Ben holding a large bowl filled with Lucky Charms while he held a large spoon. I gave him a weird look, but he only shrugged.

"There weren't any small bowls," he replied.

"Then why the spoon?"

"Because it looked cool."

I rolled my eyes, and I could feel a small smile tug my lips. Whenever you're feeling down, you can always count on Ben to make you feel better.

But right now, all I want is Ace. To be in his arms as he whispers sweet nothings in my ear like he does when I'm upset. I miss that special smile he gives just for me. I would do anything to see him walk through that door. I just need to know that he's safe.

That he's alive.

I frowned at the thought of him never returning. He's always been with me, through thick and thin. There's never a dull moment with him. Sure we've had our ups and down, but in the end, nothing would come between us. Nothing would separate us.

Not even a contract for an arranged marriage.

Ben seemed to notice the way my mood changed and placed his bowl of cereal down on the counter.

"Come on," he said, smiling softly at me. "Why don't we watch a movie before they come home."

He didn't give me any chance to protest when he turned me around and pushed me out of the kitchen. He made me sit down on the couch while he went to the self that was beside the T.V showing me movies and putting them back when I shook my head.

"Let's watch The Maze Runner," he suggested, but I shook my head. "What about... Now You See Me?"


Ben took the disc out of the case and inserted it into the DVD player. Knowing Ben, he would say that he's too lazy to get up from the couch to make popcorn, so I did it myself. I searched through the cabinets and eventually found where they stored the popcorn bags.

As I waited for the popcorn to finish in the microwave, I looked at my phone checking if there were any missing texts or calls from Ace. But there were none.

After Levi left to get Ace, I called Mrs King and told her what happened. Just like the day I saw her yelling outside on her front porch, she sounded furious.

Mrs King was not the kind of person to curse, so when I heard her say words I never thought I'd hear from her, I was shocked.

But how else would you react when you find out that your husband cheated on you, forced your child to get married to cover up for his mistake, and then attacking him?

She Belongs To The King | ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin